Friendly Gestures...

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    Hey peoples

    Just wondering who has any great ideas and/or stories on genuine friendly gestures they have recently experienced or remember. I'm not talking about expensive gifts but those smaller important things that touch us and stay with us a lifetime...

    Tell me Tell me :o)

  • Heather
    18 years ago

    Well a couple years ago I had a huge crush on one of my best guy friends. And one of my other friends was going to go visit him (he moved to a dif. state) and they told me to write him a letter. So I wrote him a 6 page letter telling him how I feel, and saying other stuff. Well the next summer he came to visit and he told me that he got my letter. I thought it was really nice that he actually remembered and it made me feel special.

  • Chelsey
    18 years ago

    My fave would have to be when the kids I babysit go out and pick me flowers...that makes me teary eyed because they seriously work hard on it..they dont pick the stubby little dandelions...they pick the ones with the long stem so I can put them in water means a lot to me anyway

    in third grade...I knew this girl whose family was extremely birthday is in June..and from January to june....she had to look for 75 cents to put in a machine to get me this friendship ring because she was to scared to ask her mom for just 75 cents...I still have that ring 7 years later and 7 grades higher :-) I'm a person who loves the little things..

    And you my darling sister, I don't think you realized how much you touched me with sending out that gift in meant so much..that I cut out the part on the box that said your adress on there and i saved the stamps because it was from another continent..and never in a thousand years would I guess I'd be so close to someone from there....I saved them and put them in this little school scrapbook thing and placed it in 9th grade since thats when you sent it :-) thanks again

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    You know what Chels I was thinking of you when I wrote this thread initially. I think one of THE most special and precious things anyone has ever done for me was the poem and pics book you sent over with your care package. Aside from the fabulous frames, candies of all sorts and beautiful things you gave me - that folder with your heart and soul poured onto each and every page was worth more to me than anything...

  • Chelsey
    18 years ago

    awww.... I have no idea what made me start that Eirisa....but I was just going through old poems and saw..I wrote you like 20 poems so I decided to make a book....when I got bored...I'd just add another page....hahaha the was kinda funny...did you see the page where I cut out pictures of my beloved HAWTIE Matthew McConaughey ..and wrote "My boo" then cut a picture of a huge guy with no shirt on and wrote "your boo" LMAO...oh man....I actually miss that thing...cause when I'm bored now I have no book that I can throw pages onto!....I knew you'd like it though! :-) hehehe tell Khal if he ever does anything sweet for you, it won't ever beat what I did! MWAHAHHA Sisters are better then men LoL

  • Carlee Ann
    18 years ago

    DId someone say Matthew McConaughey?


  • Chelsey
    18 years ago

    Watch it Car...Keep yo eyes off my baby!

  • Carlee Ann
    18 years ago

    : still sobbing :

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    Comeon Foxy would love to hear a serious contribution to you for my initial thread...Chels lets find Mr McCouganey (sp?) and wrap a lil boz around his neck for Miss Foxxxxy ;o)

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    Thats what I call a gesture of friendship he he eh

  • Chelsey
    18 years ago

    HELL NO TITTA!!! did you not read this...I AM IN LOVE WITH MR. McCONAUGHEY!!!!...shes trying to steal him :( DONT let that happen

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    Oh but he's sooo fat lately Chelly - let her have him he's "hey - days" are well and truly gone.

  • Chelsey
    18 years ago

    Ohhh Risa he is NOT fat!! Omg omg...I can't believe you said that...thats your future brother-in-law lol

    Woman...I would have smacked you if you said that to boo has a 6-pack..I don't see a least I didnt last night when we was GETTIN IT ON! lol haha jkk

    annnddd He just made a movie with that ugly hoe Sarah Jessica Parker..I thought it was funny he's bringin home the bacon...big bucks!.....butttt if you insist on me letting him go....then I must get YOUR brother MWAHAHHA....*drools again* lol

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    He is too the only thing good about him Chels was that he had Penelope Cruz on his arm, now he doesnt have that - yuck you pair can have him LMAO

  • Poetess Lana
    18 years ago

    I had the BIGGEST crush on this guy... and i still do... but whatever... anyway...

    He had a gf and he never knew who i was... i was talking to him on myspace and told him that i wasnt allowed to use it anymore... (my dad) and then i told him how much i liked him. he saw me at school the next day aand smiled and waved... then he signed my yearbook... even though i didnt ask him. i thought it was really sweet!

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    Ooh Allanah thats so cute - did anything ever eventuate from your encounter with your beloved crush - do you have a friendship gesture to share with us ? :o)

  • Crystal Cupcake
    18 years ago

    wow i had the same thing happen to me.i asked this guy to be his friend on myspace.and like..i fell for him.i knew who he was at school, but im super i didnt say anything.and then he dated this other girl.kind of upset me. but they broke up.and we became friends.we met on new years eve.and now we are dating. =)

  • Chelsey
    18 years ago

    ohhh Risa you just made my horns come out instead of my halo...*sticks out tongue* meany! ...I will happily leave with my darling Mr. McConaughey and when we have beautiful babies....I believe you won't be seeing your neices and nephews because you called their daddy fat and ugly...shame on you!! lol chances with him are slim to none haha for the ladies above me..I been there just a year ago...don't you just get so excited when the one you like signs your yearbook?! Then you go in and put a heart around his pic..haha ok maybe thats only me

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    Oh Miss Chelly Belly Miss THANG

    I will be seeing my nieces and nephews as you forgot about the importance of your future marriage to Jeff and NOT to fat ugly old Matthew LMAO

  • Chelsey
    18 years ago

    LMAO shut up Biotch! lol....OK OKKKKKKK I would happily marry your brother over Mr. McConaughey BUT he is still NOT fat nor UGLY......I will still have my monthly affairs with him and that stays between us LMAO

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    LMAO Over my dead body monthly affairs with a fat ugly chubba wubba old enough to be your father Miss Chelsey

    Marry into the family sheesh girl Ive been relying on that hope!!

  • Chelsey
    18 years ago

    OMG I'm sooo gunna kill you! You have GOT to STOP callin my baby Fat.....would you like me to send you a picture of his fine self..I found no fat! was funny...I got a pic of him on my door and I told my mom how we've been argueing about this for a few days..well seems like a week and she goes "She think that is fat?" and she pointed to him...seeeee , seems like your the only one...nanner nanner boo boo *sticks out tongue*
    But I did tell her I'm marrying into your family and she goes...OMG your gunna go live in the land down under..and I was like you can come with me....then she asked thousands of questions like parents do as if I really know a lot about your old is he? is he cute? whats he drive? blah blah blah hahah....I think she approved....your lucky...if it wasn't for him..I would be marrying Matthews HOT PIECE OF ASS!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah...I said it! lol

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    Actually, at the moment, I feel so appreciated by my friend and her family. They have gone on holiday, and her mum asked me to house sit - all her friends and family around this area, but she still chose to trust me (and give me a rather nice sum of money).
    And when I got here, my friend left me a note, which was very nice to read. I got a little teary eyed reading it.

  • Brian King
    18 years ago

    this one time this guy just walked up to me and gave me a hug, he was probably high and ist kinda creeped me out... but like the rest of the day i felt so loved:)

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    Kara thats a great point how nice is it to know your welcome and trusted...? It makes you feel good about yourself as a person and a friend! Great story really made me smile hun :o)

    Brian LMAO was he high - you sure...100% or is it just that you are hot stuff buddy - red hot as I like to say? Perhaps he just wanted the bod-day LMAO :o) Your tale cracked me up...