
  • blueknight
    18 years ago

    some other poets like poems that rhymes like me , I like poems that sangs itself yeah but although you have a point the concept of poetry is the feelings that you feel in the poem you read or make, we poets have different sights in rhyming but for me a poem with a good rhyme and a deep meaning is truly a great poem.
    but still it is on our own beliefs We poets resfect everyone decissions...

  • Ed or Ian Henderson
    18 years ago

    Rhyming, while keeping the emotion at the fore is tough poetry, I'd say. It's easy to slip into a cliche and lose some of the energy for the sake of an easy rhyme. But at the same time it can be far too easy to just scribble out a bunch of feelings and call it a poem.

  • ShhhhItsASecret©
    18 years ago

    I like rhyming, because it adds a rhythm and it makes the poem a bit more complex and challenging.


  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    I got a comment on one of my poems today saying "How come it doesnt rhymn?! "

    That was the whole comment (can I report a comment like that and get it deleted?).

    So from that I'm guessing this girl assumes that it's not a poem unless it rhymes (or 'rhymn'?).
    And then they'll be people that just simply can't get a rhythm or even a simple structure going without rhyme.
    I don't necessarily think rhyme makes a poem good though. In fact, I've seen poems fail because a rhyme has been forced when it's just not been needed.

  • SaveMe?
    18 years ago

    i dont like the way people go for an easy rhyme when it spoils the whole context but...
    the point of a rhyming poem it that it tells a story while the words fit perfectly they are not forced theyare just perfect together if your trying to write a rhyming bit of poetry it best to go for uncommon words rather than words like....cry,lie,die,eye,sigh and so forth