What do you think she should do?

  • Truest Lies
    18 years ago

    She told you all this?
    Well then at least she has a close friend to count on.
    I think that she should make very sure, and then probably break it off before she hurts the guy.
    If he loves her, how will HE feel when he finds out that all she feels is hormones?

    Well, that's what jumped to mind.
    I think that love is undeniable, so if she isn't in love she'll know, and if she isn't in love then she should make that clear to him, and just see him as a friend.


  • Vic
    18 years ago

    tell her to wait things out... break off with the guy she's with right now... but don't go back to the other guy. time will tell what happens... no matter how long. but it's up to her to let go. eventually, she'll fall in love with someone else... it's a true statement.

  • Catty
    18 years ago

    Wow. That is alot. If you are still looking for advice I can give you my two-cents. The fact that she lost her mom and her dad is probably making it hard for her to become close to anyone right now. Especially a guy since that is the easiest way to get hurt. If she doesn't have feelings for the guy she is currently with (and it sounds like she doesn't) then she needs to let him go because that is not fair to him. I personally think that she needs to explain to this guy that she is going through a lot right now (which she is) and to just give her some time and space. She really needs to pull back from all these guys and give herself some time to sort all this out and deal with all that's happened. Then, once she is over all this, she can try being open to a relationship again. But I think it is way too soon right now.