Is it wrong?

  • Nelle
    18 years ago

    Okay, I have something to say and well whether you want to hear it or not, I could care less. Some people come on here to really get help from people, and yes i'm sure most of us agree this is not an attention seeking site and there are professionals for things like these, but sometimes people would rather talk to other people their age. Now I have read many threads where someone wants to kill themselves and some people criticize them about it..Yes, you have your own opinion and when someone posts something you are entitled to say what you would like, but some of the things people say to them do not help at all. You don't tell someone who is suicidal that " That is stupid, you're being an idiot" " oh get over yourself" etc. You do not have to give them pity but do not sit there and tell them to do it, or tell them they are stupid. Yes most suicidal people wont tell you if they want to do it, but some do. Some of them really do need help, think about it.

    I didn't post this to start an argument, I just think it's wrong when someone tells someone who wants to kill themself, to actually do it!

  • Arcane Blondie
    18 years ago

    I totally agree-

  • Arcane Blondie
    18 years ago

    ^^I have seen posts where people have said if the person that originally posted wants to kill themselves to go ahead and do it--

    I too believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I think suicide posts are made because the person who posted needs support and wants people to say to them that they would be missed and that they should stay strong. I just don't think that it's necessary to write harmful posts that may push the person closer to committing suicide-some things can be kept to yourself--

    I do think that it is true that if you tell someone to get professional help in posts that they rarely listen, but what can you do about that? At least that advice isn't hurtful

  • Lutu
    18 years ago

    If person talks about it there is change to talk them out of it.
    Ppl who really wanna do it they dont talk about it they just will.

  • Broken Dreams
    18 years ago

    as someone whose been there and felt that..i disagree....when i was about to commit suicide a tiny part of me said..say something first....maybe just maybe soemone will say something to stop u....i was all prepared and had typed and posted...not here but in a similar place....and someone saved me....not by sayin go ahead and do it...but by remindin me that maybe things could get better and talkin to me and makin me feel human again....when i was about to do it...i no longer felt human but already yes...when someone posts they r gonna commit suicide they may jusy belookin for attention but sometimes they rnt and people r entitled to their opinion but as my mother used to say "if u dont ahve something nice to say dont say anyhting at all" if u feel ur opinion will not positively help anything then just dont say it....its not that hard to bite ur tongue!

  • Carrotgirl
    18 years ago

    Some people are attention seeking and some are on the edge, if we could be certain who was who there wouldn't be so many tragedies. I think I can relate to part of your point of view Angelina but I have to agree with the thread author 100%

  • ms.understood
    18 years ago

    angelina, no 1's makin u read/reply 2 anythin.if u find it 2 b 'old' dont read it.its as simple as that.and alot of times ppl do tell others b4 they kill themselves.ive said what johnny told me b4 he killed himself and i know uve read it, u seem 2 b that should b proof ppl do talk.

  • ms.understood
    18 years ago

    "if you commit suicide, you're a wuss, a loser, a pathetic weed in a bed of flowers who doesn't deserve the oxygen to live."

    im gonna tellu this like ive told so many ppl, do u kno the story behind every suicide. no, i highly doubt u do. my close friend killed himself cuz his dad was abusive and no 1 belived the bruises all over his body were caused by his dad, they said he made them.this threw him further into depression so when it showed he was depressed, his dad told him he was a wuss and beat him even more!!!!! now can u honestly tell me that u would fight 2 live that kind of a life?!

    & b4 u attack depression like u most likely will... i have it 2, kno about it, its not just a physical thing, its chemicals & if u dont get the right help it messes with u & when ur a teen (like johnny & i both) the treatment even messes w/ u so its not sumthin he could just turn on and off when he plzd.

  • ABrookeD
    18 years ago

    ^ That's deep Bob.

    Look, nobody know everyone's reasoning for wanting to commit suicide. I have gone through so many rough times in my life, and i'm just 15. Regardless of what i've gone through, or am going through, i'm not going to give up on life. Everyone was put on this earth for a reason, and just because things get bad, they want to back down. Suicide is never the answer. There are so many other paths you can choose. I agree that if you give up that easily, you're a coward. Nobody ever said life would be easy. their is so much tragedy in this world today, with all the wars, and murders taking place. There are people in hospitals with cancer and other diseases that they are trying to live through. Then there are these healthy people who have a chance to live a long life, and they decide they want to cut their life short. There is always going to be someone out their who has it more rough then you.

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    "And trust me, people who post here that they'll kill themselves will NEVER do it."

    I know of a case on here, techniquly in the chat room where some one asked for help, was told to just kill themselves, also got positive helpuf feed back, and then like three days later made a failed attempt. They ended up in a mental hospitable, and then made ANOTHER failed atempt while there. I'd like to beleive she's doing better now.

    I skipped over reading a few posts so I apologise if I repeated some thing that had been said three times before me.