Spelling and Grammar Checker ***

  • Gracie Jo
    20 years ago

    Hey I have a suggestion, I don't know if this has already been suggested, and if it has then I apologize for repeating it, but I think it would be a good idea when you post a poem if it automatically spell checks it and checks the grammar as well. I know there is already an option for spell checking, but most people don't use it. And as far as the grammar goes, I think we should have a grammar checker because, and I think others may agree with me, it's annoying when you read a poem and the grammar is bad. I'm not trying to make myself look better then anyopne, lol believe me.. I'm just giving a suggestion that I've had for a long time.


  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    well, that's what your Word Processor is for... Word98 or above has an excellent spell/grammar checker and it's already been stated numerous times that you should save your poems and not just write them on here. If we get too many different programs on here, it will cause the site to move slow...

  • Lydia O
    20 years ago

    I agree with Ann Marie on this. Just about all word processor software (Word, Wordperfect. Open Office, etc.) that was in the past 6 years includes tools to check spelling & grammar.

    Open Office is legitimately available as a download for free.

  • Gracie Jo
    20 years ago

    You're all right. People should check it themselves. But... I just hate reading poems and seeing tons of mess ups... but oh well =)


  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    Here's a tip for checking your own spelling: Read your poems backwards...

    I often miss misspelled words because I READ what I think it should say... but if you read it backwards, your mind does not know what's coming...

    Also... even after you've used a computer spell checker, go through and highlight all words that are homonyms (Bear, bare- your, you're) and make sure you used the right one. If you are unsure, check a dictionary. Word2000 gets some grammar errors and commonly confused words, but not all of them