can't help but fall...

  • ShhhhItsASecret©
    18 years ago

    Well, if you're not happy with "Mr. Movies" anymore, than I suggest end it and go with "Mr. Music" who makes you happy


  • ABrookeD
    18 years ago

    Sometimes soeone else comes along. Someone you might think is better. It's okay if you feel that way. If you're not happy with your b/f, you can't continue to be with him, and make him think you are. You need to decide whether you want to try other people, or stay with your b/f. You can always sit him down, and tell him how you feel. Communication is important in this type of situation. If you need to talk, email me:
    Good luck.

  • Darien
    18 years ago

    Have you ever heard the quote,

    "Never leave the one you love for the one you like, because the one you like, will leave you for the one they love."

    Being in a relationship means putting up with eachother's flaws. No one is perfect, and everyone has their little bad habits. You learn to ignore it, or learn to like it. That makes a relationship stronger. Just because someone else comes along doesn't mean you have to leave your current boyfriend. I'm sure your current boyfriend makes you happy, while else would have stuck it our for 2 years?

  • AllHailTheHeartbreaker
    18 years ago

    I'd normally say that you should stick with this poor Mr. Movies since he hasn't done anything wrong, but...

    I'm someone who thought I really cared about my own Mr Movies, only to realize too late that Mr. Music was the better choice in the end.

    All you can really do is what feels right.

  • Mousie
    18 years ago

    I was in the same type situation, only i had been with my b/f for a year and 2 months, not 2 years... well for the last two months of our relationship, i became wonderful friends with my best friend (who is Mr.Music in this case)... and i really fell for him... i thought it was just an infatuation and just thought i'd have to let it run its course... well i was like you, and Mr.Movies was getting on my nerves more and i was noticing things about him... and i was always looking forward to talking to Mr.Music and never Mr.Movies... that's when i began to realize maybe Mr.Movies wasn't right for me anymore... it took me forever to admit it to myself, but i did... well it is now almost 4 months later and now i just got together with Mr.Music (he had a gf when i broke it off with Mr.Movies) about a week ago, but already, i know i'm in love... it sounds cheesy and like 'o yeah right', but we've been best friends, and this wasn't a feeling i just found, i've loved him for a while... it's already turned out to be a much better match for me, and Mr.Movies ended up finding someone else who was also a better match for him... so it's really not fair to Mr.Movies to continue to stay with him if you really have fallen out of love with him, and it's not fair to yourself... it's all up to you, but this is my experience that i was just sharing... i hope it may have helped