Sooo confused...

  • Just Val
    18 years ago

    Okay I'm having a tough time here, I go out with the greatest guy, his name is Mikey, he treats me like I'm a princess, (literally) and we've been going out for 4 months. But we went out about 5 years ago, it was middle school but we were still together and broke up because I was moving.

    So anyways, we lost touch for four years, and in February of this year he found me, thanks to myspace! lol

    Well anyway, at that point I was getting over a relationship or trying to, but I never really did. Me and that guy who I also went to middle school with and who my current boyfriend has hated since middle school, have been going out on an off for the past 3 years. Well, we were finally really serious but then we got into an arguement and we broke up in november of last year because of some things he said.

    So now in April after me and Mikey had been talking again for 2 months, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes, and our relationship started off great! we both cared so much for each other and we showed it! But for the past couple of weeks the other guy whose name is David has been on my mind constantly!!! And I feel horrible for thinking about him alot but now it's affecting my and Mikeys relationship because he has noticed that I don't act the same with him anymore, I barely show my feelings to him now. I rarely tell him I love him anymore..

    I really love him and I don't want to lose him but I keep having David on my mind, I'm not sure what to do!! I'm sooo confused...And the bad part is that David still has feelings for me and he tells me, so it's even more confusing!!

    Me and mikey argue alot, about the smallest stuff lately and he thinks that I think he's a horrible boyfriend, which i don't, I want to make him happy, but every little thing he does annoys me because he isn't David, what the hell is wrong with me and how can I change??

  • SatinRisse
    18 years ago

    I think what you need to do is let whatever is going on in your head about David....out. Tell him whatever is going on. Then you need to tell him goodbye. If you really care about Mikey and want to give everything a real try, then you need to cut off contact after a little closure, and start putting your focus on Mikey. Show him that you care about him. The best way you can do that, is do whatever you can to get David out of your head...and if you can't....then maybe he is supposed to be there....and then in that case you need to break it off with Mikey so that he doesn't get hurt anymore.

  • Vic
    18 years ago

    ^^what that person said^^

    but you shouldn't have said yes to mikey so quickly if that's the way you feel about David...

  • Just Val
    18 years ago

    see but i thought at that point when i sed yes to mikey, that i was already sumwhat over David, and I had feelings for mikey, and I mean we were talking for two months before i actually sed yes so i'm not sure, but like now he thiks I'm hiding something from him. I'm not sure what to tell him because I suppose in a way I am hiding something from him...