High Maintenance

  • ShhhhItsASecret©
    18 years ago

    Okay, so I've heard that I'm "high maintenance" and I know what that means to me... but I was just wondering what other people think "high maintenance" means to them.


  • sophia
    18 years ago

    to me high maintenance ..... is like u r picky i think............and u need everything to be perfect, the way u want it ....

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    High maintenance is usually used to describe someone who is always concerned with their appearance. People who are high maintenance need constant reassurance that they are beautiful - and in that respect, it can make them emotionally needy. They will often judge people on looks and not personality.

    High maintenance is not really a positive tag to have.

  • Jaime
    18 years ago

    I always think of high maintenance as a person who expects their boyfriend/girlfriend to spend all their time with them, say perfect things all the time. They want more in a relationship than the other person is willing to give.

    It's not really a good thing.

  • Heather
    18 years ago

    A prissy kind of person. Pretty much really needy and always want attention. Sometimes they're perfectionists and picture their boyfriend to be a certain way, and if they don't get their way they get mad.
    (And pretty much everyone else said it)

  • Megann Lee
    18 years ago

    I think High Maintenance is like.. The girls who can't do anything or go anywhere unless they are at there best. They are alwyas wanting to be told how perfect and pretty they look and who are overly obessed with the stupidest things that they think will make them look better.

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    High Maintenance means you require a lot of attention. and don't have a lot of self-control. and are dependant on others to 'take care of you.'

  • ShhhhItsASecret©
    18 years ago

    That drives me crazy, because I'm nothing like that.. The only type of "high maintenance" that I am is that I want my boyfriend to spend a lot of time with me... but really... what's wrong with that?


  • Darien
    18 years ago

    People usually do need personal space. I broke up with my first girlfriend because she only wanted to hang out with me, and she also wanted me to ONLY hang out with her. So I would be careful if I were you. Make sure you aren't taking up all of his time, because i'm sure he has other friends. However, if he spends more time with his friends than you, then you need to talk to him. Or re-think if you want to be with him.

  • Truest Lies
    18 years ago

    The first thing that springs to mind is someone who likes to be pampered...like, given expensive presents. But also someone who, like a car, needs a lot of attention, getting oiled, in gear, cleaned..etc.
    It all depends on who said it to you, and in what tone.

    Personally, I wouldn't take it too seriously, people do tend to throw words around with little consideration as to their meaning.

    It could be a sign that you should relax, and make sure that you don't make any outrageous demands.


  • ShhhhItsASecret©
    18 years ago

    I dunno, maybe they just said it because they were mad at me... or mad that they can't be with me... I dunno.... Because I am not a "high maintenance" type of person. I like little things... not expensive things... I expect very little... not everything... I dunno.. Oh well. Lol. I'm over it.


  • Daenerys Stormborn
    18 years ago

    or mad that they can't be with me

    ^ That is something a high maintenance person might say

  • ShhhhItsASecret©
    18 years ago

    Nononono, you've got me wrong... When I said "or mad that they can't be with me," I was just stating the truth, because the people that say that about me like me, but I don't like them... at least not like THAT...

    Like they'll ask me out or something or just make a comment or something and I'll be like "I've got a boyfriend" (which isn't a lie) or something along those lines and they'll be like, "yeah, you're too high maintenance for me anyway"