Has anyone been in this position?

  • Lisa
    18 years ago

    Your best friend likes your boyfriend but she tells you she can't stand him and you need to break up with him. And you know for a fact that she likes him.

    Has anyone been in that position, If so how did you handle it?

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    Well, why doesn't she like him? Is there any reason or could she just be jealous of both of you?

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    *Shrugs* I'd just keep them away from each other and avoid talking about him "what problem, there is not problem", but I hear that's the worst way of going about things...

    *Shrugs* I've never depended on my friends opinoin of people, I'll be friends with who I'll want to be, and usually they don't care. Not your case thoughs so it doesn't help you... You could go with keeping them seperate and telling your best friend that your boyfriend has nothing to do with her, and so she shouldn't care because it makes you happy. If she doesn't like being around him, tell her she doesn't have to be and you'll figure out a way to see them both without seeing them both at the same time.

    If you HAVE to see them both at the same time then... Sucks to be you. (I'm in a not so great mood, less symethatic right now.)

  • ABrookeD
    18 years ago

    Yes, i have been in this situation. You just need to telll your friend that you love your b/f, and don't plan on leaving him. Tell her she's going to have to deal with it. If she is a true friend, she will back off, and be happy for you. I hope that helps.

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago


  • carly
    18 years ago

    kk well i been in da postion well i talk ot her nd then she addmited it aventlly but dont lose ur friendship ova a guy friendship is way more imporant just tell her it ovb that she lyk him but ur nt gnna dump him and fi she cartn acccpet that then she nt a true m8 x

  • TeAr dROp
    18 years ago

    no but if you think she like him u should fine the truth before saying anything

  • Gem
    18 years ago

    I was in that position and i just ignored it but she carried on trying to break us up and flirt with him even after we got engaged so in the end. Our friendship was over after she tried one too many times to lure him away and after i just told Marcus what was going on, he told her (without mincing his words) that on no account was he attracted to her and he just wanted her to stay away from him for good. Although he didn't say exactly that... lol
    Tell your boyfriend hun and find out his views on the whole situation. He might be able to put a stop to it himself without you worrying yourself sick like i did =)
    Good luck x