I has a question please help!

  • Miss Pipp
    18 years ago

    Heya guys, I have a question. I am friends with heaps of guys because I really can't stand being around with girls all the time because they are mostly annoying whining backstabbing cry baby stuck up biatchs (the ones I know are anyway). It's just that girls are too girly and sensative and I'm not like that. I have hung around with guys most of my life and I am really good friends with a lot of guys, me and my boys love to flirt. That is where I think I'm going wrong because now a lot of girls are calling me a sl*t and it's really starting to piss me off and I'm sorta trying to hang out with girls more but it's not working so what am I supposed to do?? please help!
    Pip xxx

  • silent eyes
    18 years ago

    O MY GOSH im the same way...all my best friends are guys...and believ me i LOVE to flirt... i went to wal mart the other night with five guys and i was the only girl...i saw ppl i knew and they were all sayin stuff about me...you know what just dont care...theyre just jealous cuz your with the guys and theyre not...what girl wouldnt love to hang with all guys?? any ways i agree...theyre way tooo sensitive for me. only i get called a wh*re,sl*t, lesbian anything you could think of...just dont worry about them!! either that or find tomboyish girls...theyre always funn! lol

  • Miss Pipp
    18 years ago

    Thank god there's someone like me!! lol thanks that really helps my best mate is a guy and people always have to ask if we're going out or not every time they see us even if they know we're not lol it's so funny.. especially if another one of my boys comes along.. coz all of those girls who can't get guys are all like omg that wh*re look at her there she's all over 2 guys what a sl*t. It's so amusing...

    Pip xxx

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    Don't listen to the girls. They are just jealous because you are good friends with the guys and they aren't. I am also mostly friends with guys, and find the company of girls to be incredibly annoying! And it doesn't bother me that I have picked up guys habits - skateboarding, tree climbing etc. It's more fun than applying my lipgloss every 5 minutes! And that was waaay off topic .. but yeah .. ignore them. They're jealous.

  • Truest Lies
    18 years ago

    They seem to sound jealous..not many girls are cool enough to hold their own with the guys.
    I used to make friends with boys a lot...I still do, I can get along with both sexes.
    I agree, that they sound jealous. Just be careful, because boys will be boys, if you know what I mean...


  • LipstickLullabies
    18 years ago

    Dont worry babe! What theyre doin is jst provin tht they bitches. And theyre probably jealous if u get on so well. Comment on my poems sum time love ya bye x

  • Biscuit
    18 years ago

    i am the same, i have a few frinds that are girls but they annoy me after bein with them 4 a while, they always talk about the same things and its so boooring, my closest friends are guys and always have been!!
    the girls who are being bitches are either jealous like everyones been saying, or they just find it weird that u can actually be friends with a guy, most girly girls dont talk to guys or pay them any attention unless they fancy them!!!
    Its their problem, they are the losers, just leave them to it. guys make far better friends in my opinion - even the bitchy ones!

  • cutytothebuty
    18 years ago

    I used to be like you, all my friends were guys and i was too boyish..
    i dont know what changd i guess when i moved to canada i became more shy around guys and i started changing myself...
    and every time i tried beng friends with a guy here all he wanted was sex...so i guess i had to stick with the girls lol

  • donna
    18 years ago

    I have got more female friends now I am older, than male friends and none of them are girly girls.. my male friends in the past have all come on to me at some point, most persistently and have only got 2 real male friends now. 1 of them is gay and is more girly than any of my female friends, and the other is like a brother to me.. I don't think it really makes a difference, You get a lot of bitchy girls, You also get a lot of arrogant guys.. just depends on who You connect with

  • ABrookeD
    18 years ago

    I have a lot of guy friends as well. The only reasons those girls are being like that, is because they're jealous. I don't like to hang out with girly girls. That's why the girls that i am friends with, are just like me. It's not a bad thing to flirt. You're not a slut. It shouldn't matter what those girls say. They know you're not a slut, but they want to hurt you because they are either jealous, or don't accept those who are different. If you feel more comfortable being friends with mainly guys, stick with mainly guys. It's your decision. Don't let what others say change that. I have a great deal of respect for you.