seeing MARS today!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  • cutytothebuty
    18 years ago

    today at 12:00look beside the moon and you;ll see mars, literally!!!!
    you'll see this really bright star, and its gonna be really cool! so dont miss it!!
    sorry for the late notice...

    aug 27th

  • Taco
    18 years ago

    u kno that was all a hoex rit cuz my dada went to the nasa thingr and it said it was a hoex so ya i thought it was real too but when it actually happened was about last year and it looked freaken awesome!!! so ya

  • cutytothebuty
    18 years ago

    well actually my friend said that she saw mars...
    it was this red star...

  • Taco
    18 years ago

    ooook then haha