Where iseth my beer?! I NEED HER!

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago



    And i dee-side-ed to make a new thread. 'Cause i cannnn.
    And... yeah.


    *clears throat*

    Come and talk to moi! Pwease?
    My heart aches for a dosage of RacheyPoo. =(

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    haha, i just sat here for about 392480933948 seconds typing another comment to you on myspace. and it's completely retarded. {the un-cool kind.} that angerfies meeee! lol

    i miss them toooooo. lots and lots. every second of everyday. *sniff sniff*

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    pshaw. you iz jus' b'n niice. i wndr how ppl tlk lyk thiz all of theh tyme.

    ....i find it difficult. and mind-boggling. lmao

    oof. that bear hug about knocked me out! those things keep getting tougher and tougher. lol

    agreed! *puts hair.. er, hand {LMAO}.. in air super-hero style*
    eh.. waittttt. me no want you to get in trouble! lol

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    yeah. i can believe thattttt. considering i've NEVER heard him myself. LOL.. pathetic, right? jeezerus. *hangs head in shame*

    yeh, yeh. allrite homez. i beleef yoo.

    LOL, so do i. it takes me for freakin' frackin' EVER to think about how to misspell a word. i'm like sitting here staring at the screen. like a complete retard. haha

    *wipes tear* yeah. i think so. it won't give me purple boils or anything... will it? you remember what happened with your last ointment, don't you? LOL

    o... okey then.
    it. is. ON.
    *bares teeth*

    LMAO... no idear.

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    yes. yes we are. THAT'S OK THOUGH! i mean, really. losers like ourselves, riz-ock. and.. who wants to be like everyone else anyways? =P

    plz, mutha effer. u b smkn no1. i no theh trufe.

    HAHAHA, yeah. it's seriously damaging my empty head. i swear if i had a brain, it. would. be. fried.
    you better be careful. yours may just burst into flames from all this.. er, slang stuff.

    oh. ok. phew. i can handle hallucinations. especially one with a dirty-talking shower head. makes me hot just thinking about it.
    ohh.. give me that ointmant! LOL

    yeah. scary stuff. a bit painful, too.

    *foams at the mouth*
    *bites mail-man's bum*

    i was hungry. -.- lmao


    but yeah. NOTHING can stop us now.
    *runs around in circles chasing tail*

    {oh deeear. i am so weird. haha}

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    OH ME GOSH! you said.. that.. word. *faints*

    haha, yes. me loves being a loser, thank-you-very-much.

    LMAO! ahahaha. that was supposed to be smacking! LOL.. poo. i suck at this effing slang thing! haha

    i gotz no cumbak, yo. im outtie lyk TuPac...ee.

    LOL.. i do not know.

    oh jeebs. you are super-duper cool. and i, am only super cool. you could have your brain surgically {sp? O.o} removed, and you would still be as cool, if not cooler, than me. sewiously.

    oh. really? well that's good. i guess... i guess i'll save it for later. yeah.
    *puts ointment in pocket*

    grass? wtf? are you attempting that 'no mail-man' diet again?
    *shakes head*

    i thought you looked different. well.. it looks kinda nice. kinda sexy. ;) LOL

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    no, it was necessary. just... scary! and.. oof. owww. k, the fainting on top of me was too far. I THINK I INJURED MY SPLEEN!

    ohhh, jeezerus. once upon a time... like, when we first discovered our ninja-bitchness, i thought T-Shirts would be GRAND. and i wrote you a letter about it. but i wasn't gonna send it to you until i got thee shirts. and.. yeah. that obviously hasn't happened yet! lol

    o. dat rite? yoo gunna kik muh azz, eh? dat rite? wll i beleef u. nd i rlly am scured. =S


    batah. NegroXCore? that is uh-maze-ing. fo sho'.
    and i will forever love YOU and YOUR gangsta' ways, bee-otch. *fist, kissy, peace sign*

    =O! uh yeah? well. you. you're.. zentapularly esh foo cool. YEAH. that's right. *smiles smugly*
    i'm not even half of that.

    ah. yeah. understandable! we could talk to the lawnknomes? i believe they're medically certified. or.. something.

    taha. welllll then.
    let's get it onnnn.
    *pulls ointment out*
    how do i apply it? LOL

    ohhhh. i see. makes sense. *nods*
    that's really sweet of you.

    pshyeah i'm serious! does this *points* look like a face that would kid about sexiness? i think not!

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    oof. we be talking to BBITW and *Muffin B* in thee other thread.

    come back here and finish this convo tomorrow? or soon? LOL

    i lurff you. E>