What Would You Do?

    18 years ago

    Okay, so i have this friend, and this is probably going to be a long and complicating post just warning ya now. He has this cousin, who starts these rumors about herself for "popularity". Anyways, she started one abotu my friend and said he knocked her up, and she had sex with my other friend and whatever. Well, he told me i had to say something to her about it, so i did. I know i never should have, but she was messing around with too many peoples minds. Anyways, then, after everyone found out she wasn't actually prego with Brandons baby, it started going around that she gave him head. That one was true, and this is her cousin!!!

    Anyways, she was babysitting, and she begged this guy to come over and have sex with her. That would happen to have been her first time. She thought she was prego, her mom found out, and decided to charge him. It wasn't true, another one of her rumors. But Larince still has to go to court for it. He is being charged with statutary rape. A lot of the girls in my school, not just me! Are peaved about this.

    Not too long ago, Jason, a guy I have been pretty close to best friends with since I was like 3, got into this fight with him and his best friend, Alex. Now, i am friends with all Jason, Alex, Colton and i guess partially Patrick but not really. Brandon and Alex made this webpage discriminating Patrick, and then deleted it like 2 hours later. Jason made one about Brandon until it had gotten deleted or whatever. Anyways, i simply asked Jason why and it spiralled into something it shouldn't have. So Jason is mad at me, but not so much anymore.

    Now, Brandon sends me this message telling me not to talk to him because of his cousin. And i want to knwo what the hell he means. But i know, after all i did for him, there has to be something major here. And i am not one to go up to someone and ask nicely why they are mad. I am feisty and i probably always will be. And yeah, any advice on what I should think?

    -Te Amo.

  • Madison
    18 years ago

    Sorry to much to read I will read it later. when I get home from school.*cries* I hate school. one more class.......

  • RainbowSlider
    18 years ago

    You should think about getting some sleep or atleast about taking your mind off of it for a while.

  • Biscuit
    18 years ago

    keep out of it i say, it sounds like ud be gettin involved in something complicated. this brandon guy will talk to you when he wants to, hes probly just tryin not to get u involved unneccesarily.

  • Lovely Bones
    18 years ago

    Yeah, I agree with the above ^. It's nice to help and everything, but this is most likely something that they need to work out themselves. Don't make yourself look bad by getting involved with people you shouldn't be. Besides getting a bad rep, thye could emtionally tear you down.

  • Gem
    18 years ago

    That was really confusing.
    If it was me, i agree with the others.
    It's not your problem and i know you want to help, but if you get involved, you'll probably end up getting hurt.
    Good luck with it all