What's a girl to do??? :-/

  • Bitt3rSw33t
    18 years ago

    On New Years (2006) my fiance and I broke up...We broke up because we just couldn't understand each other any longer. I personally like to think of my boyfriend as my very best friend and my ex-fiance is more into the "only express what's necessary." Our break up took about a month, constant arguing and getting nowhere. So one night, we got into a huge fight, I was so sick and tired of it that the next morning I changed my cell phone number and that's kind of how we completely stopped talking for about 8 months. Then on my birthday (August 17) he mobiled me through AIM to wish me a Happy Birthday. We've been kind of talking since then. Throughout the relationship, both he and I made some pretty dumb decisions and put in our share of mistakes. The difference is, I admit to my mistakes and understand how I hurt him, but it seems like he doesn't care about the mistakes he made. Do you guys think I have the right to expect an explanation from him, since I gave one to him? Or what would you guys suggest I do???

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    Don't be expecting an explantion from a guy that "...seems like he doesn't care about the mistakes he made." Obviously, he doesn't care that much if he won't sit and talk with you, yes, you both had mistakes, but you understand and admit to it, he doesn't...their is a difference there Hun.

    Hope the best for you.

    And remember to keep smiling when the going gets tough...after all who is the bigger person? Don't lower yourself to him, just to be with him, if he wants you back hard enough, he will have to make the changes not you. ;)

    Hope that helped. If you ever need anyone to talk to, you can email me at theitalianman@gmail.com I'd be glad to help. :)

    Ciao, Joe

  • Lovely Bones
    18 years ago

    I agree with Joe. If he wants you back, let him come to you and don't just give in to him. If he truly loves you he'll keep trying no matter how hard or how long it gets.

    18 years ago

    I also agree. He has a good point. He needs to learn his mistakes and where he went wrong. And if he won't give you the time of day to explain things he did to hurt you, then don't give him yours.


  • Bitt3rSw33t
    18 years ago

    Good point you guys, thank you, thanks for taking the time of day to help out...LoL :-)