can it work?

  • Haven
    18 years ago

    I have really fallen for this guy, but he is very closed up, and well he lives in England and I in norway, is there anyway me and him can work out and anyone have any idea how to make him open up? he trusts me he is just not a person that tell things and I know he haven't had a too simple life.

    oh and what can I give him for his bday when he turns 18 any suggestions? he loves his music (ska, metal)

  • Haven
    18 years ago

    I know my last bf I met online he lived in england we dated for over a year he lived with me for half of the time:) but I just really love this guy and he really loves me too, I am going to see him in the end of february.....

  • MEGZ is wondering what to do about life
    18 years ago

    well I think that if you really like him you should give it a chance no one knows how it will work out... what is the point of living if you have no fun, disapointments, tears and heartbreaks to fill your life. I dated a guy who was closed up to but in time when he is positive he can tell you and you want laugh or pity him he will tell you what you want to hear... listen more than you talk... for all you know he could be dropping hints when you least expect it