I am a mental Fascist.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Hey guys.

    Maybe it's because I have had a bad day at college jumping through monkey hoops for a work related course that everyone in my profession has to do by law, and bores the crap out of me.

    But when I loggged onto this site...I just wanted to delete almost all the posts because they are, in my bored and frustrated opinion, repititive and of very little value.

    Why do people create threads for things like;

    Favourite type of jam?


    "Abortion, is it right or wrong, discuss"

    I mean, what do they think is going to happen? Someone is going to say, "yes I think it's wrong" and that will be the end of it, problem solved? I like a good debate as much as the next person, but it's the lack of a point of view from the people who create these kinds of posts that rubs me the wrong way.

    My basic point is this, if you have nothing of value to say, then don't create a thread about an issue, unless of course you specify that you want to learn about the subject, but even then, there are websites where you can educate yourself from facts, and not opinions.

    I am tired, and this place seems even more tired to me....I almost want to invite JustPlainMe back in here...almost.


  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Thin Ice bobby boy, thin ice.

    But you are right...why I am even concerned with the general low intelligence and cultural awareness of the "individuals" in here when Deep space awaits me with open dark arms.


  • Twisted Heart
    18 years ago

    I would love to be the one who could solve your problem of boredom, however, my suggestions probably would sound immature and completely irrelevant to you and your space program. Honestly speaking, I don't care what kind of jam someone likes or doesn't like. I don't even wish to express my views on Abortion. I believe that subject is a personal choice and shouldn't be up for debate. I would like to know how long a chicken jumps around after his head has been chopped off, though. Or why a tree frog can't live in captivity [you see, my daughter has found three of them in the last two weeks and I have found all of them dead after 2 days] Maybe you could tell me why I can't seem to get my puppy to understand the concept of potty training. Just a few things that have been racking chaos within my brain lately.

  • mistressxsork
    18 years ago

    That is the reason.. I never create threads.. I just reply to them. I can't be bothered on.. seeing how many people actually.. sent a message back. It's boring and annoying. =)


  • Imogen
    18 years ago

    fyi twisted heart, i think a chicken lasts 10 minutes qithout its head ;)

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Buddy, we're all mental fascists; all our brain cells wear grey and we obey them intrinsically.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Bret, my brain cells wear tartan, grey is sooooo last season.

    I wrote this in my little computer diary after seeing a particularly political film...it seems, almost relevant to this thread...

    For Pruning.

    The Government is a soft flower with the thorny sections being the police and Army. The people are the wind and gardeners, or should be. It is, or was our duty to keep the flower pruned of old leaves and free from bugs, harsh climates. We are also the wind. Shaking the flower with our invisible faceless force, ruffling the leaves, testing the strength of the stalk and the roots.

    For in the flowers we allow to display we too are displayed by association. A civilized garden does not grow on it's own without help from those who created it, who must also be civilized and have a basic knowledge of gardening. An untended garden where the flowers have grown wild without care for appearance or purpose, but only to grow as large and all consuming as possible needs drastic collective action. You may need assistance in clearing out the weeds by force so that a new bloom can take place.

    dramatic eh?...and the ending is lazy...but whatever.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    I always thought the government was more like an acorn. Small for what and who it represents (the tree, ie the people) and if you break that hard outer shell (we keep banging on) you're buggered because the soft bits inside that might actually become something dies.

  • Bogie
    18 years ago

    JustPlainMe would be and was a great addition
    like in the past old reliable can always get the
    candle lit.

    This thread depressed me at first but after Bob
    made light of it and reading the For Pruning
    post you wrote made me realize your write is
    a secret code of a conspiracy by you and Nasa
    and the sting of it all is that the bees (aliens) are
    coming to take are precious pollen (dna).
    I know now because you never made mention
    about the bees in the read and I was bored at
    the time.


    P.S. Please dont let the aliens take us away
    and shut down P&Q I love this site.
    Thank you Kevin,

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    It seems I have been involved in discussions with autocrats on this site. I still am amused at the thought one such member of this site that constantly would pose a question or a topic, then dictate to me how I should have responded.

    I believe I have learned from these discussions. My apologies to any that are bored or offended by my contributions to these forums. My mentor’s advice is to move in passion and rest in reason. Sometimes we fail to see the reason of our discussions yet passion is not all that rare. Most are passionate about ideology whether it is Fascism, Democracy, Nazism, Fundamentalism or what have you. When there is a balance between passion and reason discussions can be remedial

    The discussion I referenced above ended with a member being banned. I found humor in the sad situation when the banned member referred to the moderator as a fascist. At least I believe that is what the [jpm] impersonator meant, even though he misspelled fascist.

    edit I am happy to see that everyone does not feel alienated by these discussions

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    On the side... JPM should never have been banned/left. He was possibly the brightest spark this forum ever saw, and when you looked beyond the often trivial, callous and obnoxiously rude aspects of his comments you would have seen genius, pure unadulterated genius.

    Plus he could give you an honest appraisal of your work that left you in precisely the exact place you needed to be to make the next step on your journey as a poet.

    Could have just been me though. *ponders*

  • ReBecca
    18 years ago

    geniusness does not excuse boorishness.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Justplainme was not a genius. I know this because of how stupid he was by his actions and words, simple really.

    Genius is a word that is often banded about by people who aren't very smart themselves and see something they don't know how to comprehend. Hence the genius title.

    I think with Plain, many people did not understand his poetry, and so they called him a genius. People said that about the makers of the film "Primer" and then it turns out they made the film purposefully so it wouldn't be understood, and in actual fact it was nonsense...still though, they were hailed as genius's because the idiot critics couldn't get it.

    Plain was the same I feel. He was smarter than the average Bear, but nothing more.

    Ps, Micheal...just who are you not so subtley talking about?

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    ‘My basic point is this, if you have nothing of value to say, then don't create a thread about an issue, unless of course you specify that you want to learn about the subject, but even then, there are websites where you can educate yourself from facts, and not opinions.”

    It is interesting to note in this discussion three people stated in so many words that JPM’s
    contributions to former discussions were very VALUABLE .

    I would wager that if JPM saw a post like that, feeding any other ego but his own, he would have verbally attacked the poster, and demanded a reliable source.
    That is if he could not begin with discounting your opinion with harsh criticism of your spelling and grammar.
    If that did not work he would usually repetitively refer to someone whom did not see things exactly as he did as retarded.
    Many of his post and poems were full of redundant vulgarity

    When an account is suspended on this site it does not exist

    How many of us download VALUABLE literature?

    ”Ps, Micheal...just who are you not so subtley talking about?”

    Well Kevin, as far as my sources go, that person does not exsit

    This could be a clue



  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    Kevin's an intellectual dominion.

    JPM was an intellectual nazi.

    Bret's a cogently abstract thinker.

    Michael is a spiritualist Pollyanna

    And Bob's King.

    The end.

    (Tiger. Check your e-mail ever? ;)

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Really abstract? I think of myself as being rather linear. Food for thought.

    JPM may have been an intellectual nazi, but I got him and he got me. I think most people took him at face value instead of going past his... grainy exterior*. Either that or they made opinion based on what the majority saw through convenience.

    I think Kevin is a little rose tinted in his opinion** to be a dominion, but a Principality? Oh yes.

    Michael IS a spiritualist Pollyanna without doubt and Bob, well Bob does sit in a big gold chair but I don't think it is coincidence.

    * Yes, that's a reference to his work if you remember it.

    ** I know... pot, kettle etc ad nauseum.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    I think that Kaitlin Kristina is still the queen It is so good to hear from you
    I have always felt that your contributions to these discussions were thought provoking and valuable
    I remember when Jpm and I were in a discussion. That discussion seemed to have risen to an argument that you recognized as a cat fight. You offered us both a saucer of milk.

    I remember when Kevin Murray locked that debate he said

    “I'm locking this poor excuse for a debate.

    Now kids, no doubt you will meet each other again on the sacred virtual grounds of these forums. Please try to stay on topic, or at least keep your squabbles to e-mail...i'm sick of this repetitive vindictive crap, and i mean both of you, the sugar coated one and the plain one.

    Jeez. “

    Kaitlin since you and I were the only other posters besides the plain one
    one of us must have been the sugar coated one

    Somehow I must have mastered the art of sugar coating vindictive crap

    The character of Pollyanna is one that always seemed to see the best side of things

    I prefer to be seen as a spiritual Pollyanna

    Although my poetry has a healthy dose of realism in it my poetry also may be overshadowed at times with romanticism, and idealism

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Sugar coated vindictive crap tastes much better, I must admit.

    It does feel good to have our tiger back, hope you stay around.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    “Sugar coated vindictive crap tastes much better, I must admit”
    Since I provoked your thought in that linier direction, Bret,
    things that taste better are not necessarily nutritious

    I must admit that I have lowered myself to vindictive comments after I was repeatedly insulted in these discussions, but that is not the healthiest response

    Vindictive behavior is mostly opposed to forgiveness, which is very healing and spiritually nutritious

    “Through the success of the book, the term "pollyanna" entered the language to describe someone who is cheerfully optimistic. It then became by extension (and contrary to the spirit of the book) a somewhat derogatory term for a naïve person who always expects people to act decently, despite strong evidence to the contrary. The real theme of Pollyanna is that she kept the spirit of forgiveness towards all and could find gladness for whatever was given her”

    I am grateful to even my harshest opponents that reflect the general attitude of the world, which is dancing all around the truth without ever making a solid connection

    The Balance of The Heart, Soul & Mind" reflects the humanness of us all, and the Divine Redemption, which frees us from ourselves.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    Sugar coated vindictive crap comes with a delicious nougat center.

    I personally love the stuff.

    And it's what I plan on handing out this Halloween to all the little kiddies.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    And the last few posts have reminded me that under all of the titles we bestow on ourselves and each other, and regardless of our beliefs, we're all human at the end of the day.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    …and is it any wonder that I sat through “Charlie and the chocolate factory” three times

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    If it was the old one with Gene Wilder then no, it's not a big thing... that one rocks.

    If you're talking about the tim burton fiasco then I feel for your soul.

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago
