Object Contest

  • Esther
    18 years ago

    May be new or old,
    Must be your own work
    4 lines or more
    Only 1 poem per item and the reservation on each item will be five days. After which time that object will be opened for other poets.

    Three awards will be given
    *1st place- 6 r/r/c
    *2nd place- 4 r/r/c
    *3rd place- 2 r/r/c

    List of Objects:

    Book (done)
    Compass (reserved)
    Pencil (done)
    Knife (done)
    Glass (done)
    Flower (done)
    Bottle (done)
    Roses (done)
    Blanket (done)
    Box, (reseved)
    Bear (done)

    Those are all the titles! If you want to reserve one or suggest one, go ahead!

  • Oscar
    18 years ago

    A Blanket.

    We're covered in it, at least every night.
    and when we are young, it's to replace the light.
    It is to make us warm, to make us feel better.
    To calm all our nerves, to release our anger.

    It is not just a cover, but like a second home.
    Our own little empire, our own little Rome.
    It keeps us safe, gives us security.
    and so we love it, it's our sanctuary.

    We leave all the troubles, the problems outside.
    Whether tucked in or not, with a teddy bear beside.
    If removed from it, we cry. If torn, we die.
    In it we feel powerful, like i could fly.

    So it's not just some quilt, or a bed necessity.
    It is a kid's life, it is all that they see.
    Then they go on, with their cover of scarlet.
    And think that they'll never, live without blanket.

  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago

    knife pls!

  • Twisted Heart
    18 years ago

    Can I have book, please....

  • Twisted Heart
    18 years ago

    Words of Wonder
    by Twisted Heart

    I see you, you reach for me
    You touch me softly, inside me you creep
    Just words of wonder are in your eyes
    Am I real or do I lie
    You slowly explore me, each touch draws me near
    But you are gentle, I have no fear
    You hear me, each word I speak
    draws you deep inside of me
    You're lost within a fantasy
    No words have been left unsaid
    And then you slowly lower me
    and rest me in my bed
    Upon the shelves with other books
    you leave me there to wait
    Until you need to once again
    open up my page

    18 years ago

    Can I have compass please?


  • Jessica
    18 years ago


    From the first day we met
    Our tiny seed of love was planted
    Night and day it slowly grew
    So stunning we thought it was enchanted..

    It never lost a silky petal
    And the sharp thorns never hurt
    The emerald green stalk grew
    Absorbing all love from the dirt..

    Then one hot sunny day
    The ruby rose promptly woke
    Bees kissed their way into the flower
    And the relationship quickly broke..

    Apologies were cried but were too late
    The scarlet petals started to die
    Loosing their once striking colour
    And sadly forcing them to say goodbye..

  • Esther
    18 years ago

    Sorry Jessy, knife has already been reseved!

  • Esther
    18 years ago

    Twisted heart, what is the object of your poem?

  • Oscar
    18 years ago

    i think Twisted Heart's poem, is books. i was wonderin too until i read it

  • Lu
    18 years ago

    Glass please.....

  • Esther
    18 years ago

    Yeah I think it is books, but I don't want to guess incase I get it wrong!

    18 years ago

    It is books, right above it she had reserved it. =]]


  • Biscuit
    18 years ago


    My Teddy Bear

    I want you to know just what you mean to me;
    You're something I never want to lose.
    No matter what you say or do,
    I always want to be with you.

    You may not be perfect;
    a loose thread here and there,
    but everyone has flaws and when you
    love something
    it can never be replaced.
    Even by something better.

    What would you do if your favourite teddy lost its fluff?
    Say 'Bye bye teddy, I enjoyed the time we had together but its time for you to go"...?
    You keep him even though hes falling apart;
    even though there are better looking and more cuddly teddies out there.
    You keep him.

    Well, you're my teddy bear and
    even when you're not cuddly
    I still want you
    even when you're not smiling
    I still want you
    even when you're eyes don't twinkle
    I still want you
    even when you growl
    I still want you
    even when I push you out of bed
    I still want you

    Everyone knows that old, worn, tattered teddies are better than shiny new ones.

    You're my teddy bear and I love you.

  • Esther
    18 years ago


  • LadyPearl
    18 years ago

    Reserve GATE

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    May I have Bottle?

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    The Champagne Bottle

    A rose on the table.
    To witness the betrayal,
    Of two lovers crossed
    As the night was lost.

    Beginning my tale
    Is a love that failed.
    A tale so wrong,
    The insanity did prolong.

    A bottle of champagne,
    Lain where it's lain,
    Holds on tight
    To a secret that night.

    Look closely to see
    What this champagne comes to be.
    No longer champagne,
    But a new secret ingrained.

    Tampered with and stolen,
    Is this secret so golden.
    The champagne on the table,
    Tells of his betrayal.

    Poison on the glass, trickling down -
    As her death was sadly found.
    'You deserve much better than me,
    Baby, don't you see?'

    Eyes closed against the pain;
    The lies in that bottle of champagne.
    'You deserve better than this place,
    Your beauty is too much to waste.'

    'My secret is finally out;
    There is no final doubt,
    Too perfect is true
    That's why I killed you.'

    A rose on this table.
    To witness the betrayal
    Of two lovers crossed,
    As the night was lost.


    Understanding: In case you didn't understand ((for it had the hidden meaning)) that the man thought his lover was too perfect for the world, that she deserved much better; to not live in this world. So, he killed her, so she could 'have better'. When he spoke of her beauty, he was saying her beauty was like an angel and that's what she deserved to be.


  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago

    srry it takes too long......i promise i'll post the poem on FRIDAY!!!! thankz!

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    18 years ago

    Can I have pencil?

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    18 years ago


    I write this with a pencil
    If I make a mistake
    I can just erase
    Piece of cake

    Every day they are used
    A lot are sold
    But I have not seen one
    That is made of gold

    They come in different sizes
    Big or small
    Whatever you prefer
    Short or tall

    Everyone uses them
    One time in their life
    They can be sharpened by a knife

    *Ok its that good but it will do

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    18 years ago

    not good*

  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago

    by you're acting like a damn saint

    a knife.........what should i do with it?
    kill you to pieces, to erase the pain?
    or kill myself because i still admit
    i love you, and it makes me insane?

    my knife controlling my life till death it will?
    a friction of you, i'm starting to get crazy
    being a maniac, i will kill
    you, and all my problem will fly?

    my answer right in front of me
    the only thing i have to do is make a slit
    erasing you and me, in my imaginary
    and that we're done, over, what's that word.....split?

    sorry it sucks.....it's sort of nonsense, only i can read it making sense......

  • Lu
    18 years ago

    Object : Glass


    Time will Mend a Heart of Glass

    A victim rests unknowingly as prey
    as the misleading lips of a
    venomous snake slurs
    glass words of love
    emotional impact
    shatters a fragile heart
    creating deeply slashed scars
    eyes bleed from wounds of deceit

    Digging a grave of hopeless tears
    little shards of broken glass
    torture a precious heart
    stealing our dignity
    finally, we realize
    we do deserve true love
    rain of tears begins to subside
    winds change, shattered heart heals

  • Esther
    18 years ago


  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago


    18 years ago

    -Vanished At Sea.-

    Sweat was beading across her forehead in late July,
    As she stood on top the cliff, looking amongst the sun,
    A star caught on fire, drifting through the sky,
    Burning her shoulders as the day begun.

    Mossy grasses embroidered the rocky ledge,
    The smell of musk gently wafting around her,
    Dirt covered shoes standing still in the the sedge,
    As she looks down below toward the calming sea.

    The middle of nowhere, vanished without a trace,
    A needle flinging side to side, pointing toward the South,
    Standing on top a lonely cliff, fear imprinted on her face,
    As silent screams entrap themselves inside her mouth.

    Night fades in as day whispers its' good-bye,
    A compass shattered along the rocks at her feet,
    Fire crackling along to her tears hushed lullabies,
    A broken angel, enlaced on the burning concrete.

    © Jenna Elphick
    October 3, 2006.

  • LadyPearl
    18 years ago

    I'll get it done soon

    I can Unreserve Gate and Reserve BOX

  • Esther
    18 years ago

    Lush.Fcuk-* what is your poem? becuase i don't think it is one of the objects i put???

    18 years ago

    Lol, it was compass. It didn't have much to do with a compass but compass was in it. If it doesn't fit, I will take it off and unreserve compass, I had trouble writing that so I don't want to hold up your contest with something I can hardly write about. Sorry.
