What does God mean?

  • my name is Llama
    17 years ago

    ^^haha lol luv the dp....shakespear is one funny man

  • Chrissie
    17 years ago

    No not for the people that dont know anything about god, i dont know what happens to them, but the people who do know he is there, or have been taught about him and choose not to believe

  • Colby
    17 years ago

    Im not religous... so does that mean im going to hell????

    I mean seriously, i believe in god, but to follow him isnt the easiet thing either. People say if you dont follow you go to hell. Shows how accepting god is huh????

  • Chrissie
    17 years ago

    Mmmm...apparently we go to hell if we dont follow and it is a hard thing to do, speccially today..but if we accept God and let him into our lives, he helps you..and you learnt things that will help you.

  • limp
    17 years ago

    If there even is a god i'm sure he wouldn't appreciate all the lies people spread about him, like the bible, and the 7 sins, did he write them? no. humans did, along with all the murderers us humans are, all the accidents that 'innocent children' are involved in because of manmade cars, guns, because of humans, knives, because of humans, any form of WEAPON, because of humans. don't insult someone just because they believe in something, maybe it keeps them hanging, and maybe they aren't as 'strong' as some of you who don't NEED a religion, but they like to say a little prayer before they go to bed every night, a little thank you for what they have, just because you don't believe in it, doesn't mean it isn't true. no you're not going to hell if you commit suicide nor if you don't believe in god, god didn't make that up and neither did he invent ways that we kill people, so really, he isn't evil, he just doesn't involve himself. why interfere? we created this mess we'll suffer it. it's not exactly like he placed a gun in somebodys hands and said 'here create a chaos i'll sit back and watch'. The god people should believe in is what gives them the reason to not be cruel, to be less judgmental, understanding, and forgiving. God could be real, or he couldn't be, I know it's SO unlikely that there is some big thing floating around in space that created the big bang and has been here forever, but it can cheer people up when they're feeling depressed.

  • i love you
    17 years ago

    I dont believe in a god. people can say things like oh i felt his presence or he spoke to me....ur crazy. its not god. its all in ur head. and when people say he saved me from ..... or some bs like that. its a coincidence....the bible is a made up story made up to make u believe something thats not there. if there was a god....there wouldnt be as much suffering as there is. like other people have said its a story to comfort you for after death. besides there are so many religions out there that are myths....therefore i believe gods a myth too but not only based on that reason. u can say well how else did the world come to be? hm evolution? theres something that makes sense.
    ps. im not trying to offend anyone and theyre "gods" im entitled to my opinion so im giving it straight up.

  • shes a killer
    17 years ago

    I was baptized as a catholic but i don't practice...my dad blames gld for my moms death...not me. but i don't beleive that praying to someone you have never met is going to help save your life. people say that god made all the way it is, and if so then why is gay wrong? if god made everything, he made gay people...and if there wasn't suppose to be sin why do we sin. i'm pagan, and i think people can believe whatever they want to believe as far as i'm concerned but i beleiev in myself. i'm the only person thats going to get me through the day and so i think god is real to some..maybe even me, but i don't pray, never have, never will.

  • Marcus
    17 years ago

    I'm sorry to hear that. there are a lot of misinterpreations of the bible, and the stigma against gays is one of them. According to that line of thought, having sex with contraceptives is equally immoral. Also, God didn't create sin. He simply allowed the possibility, and people take advantage of it. I think, personally, the reason God lets us sin is because he's proud of us, and believes we are strong enough to overcome the temptation. Some of us are by ourselves, and some of us need help, but we all can be free of sin if we all try.

    As for evolution, I don't believe in it and I don't think there's enough 'scientific evidence' to prove the hypothesis. 'Science' has been proven wrong many times before, and in my opinion this is another of those times waiting to happen.

  • Darkening Dawn
    17 years ago

    Who says God cant have used evolution?

    A lot of these statements are based just on thoughts and opinions. Has one of us ever read the bible cover to cover and still remembered everything. God gives the reason why we suffer in there. It's us, our free will, our sin. I would rather have free will and suffering then be a sheep with no mind at all.

    I am a Christian and going through a very bad time and He's the only thing that has truely stopped me from ending my life.