BIG BLAMES......i say watever

  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago


    well let me ask you something....have you ever been blamed? not a blame because of your dumb brother blamed that you broke the favorite vase glass your mother likes...but blamed meaning, they are blaming you for a bigger reason. like they blame that you changed this person and saying you guys shouldn't have met and everything will be alright! so something like that....big blames....not the favorite vase glass. so's the rules


    1) new or old
    2) something about being blamed....other than that watever
    3) i don't care if it has cussings
    4) express your feelings
    5) i don't care how long
    6) have fun.......but don't goof around or you're outta here!
    7) this is serious business for means a lot

    if you guys don't like the idea.......tell me. be honest

    ps. prizes surprise