Need bit of help

  • Patrick Coleman
    18 years ago

    Hey, new here, just did a google search and such looking for somewhere, and this place came up... so.. yeah... I think this might be the best location to post it.

    Anyways, I am 16 year old male, I write a bit of poetry, seems acceptable by those who have read it, plan to start putting some on here later as well.

    Anyways rather fully new to relationships and such, I have had attractions, but none that I have pursued. My current attraction I am certainly thinking about revealing my thoughts towards, so at the moment, one of many problems I am having right now is how to reveal to her. As I write a bit, I am currently in the process of trying to put my thoughts in a poem, and present it to her that way. I am wondering how I should do so. So far, my thoughts are between:
    1. Try to sneak it in her binder sometime I get the chance
    2. Hand it to her, let her read it, then act from there, or a slight variation, as she opens, I begin to say the poem as well,
    3. Just recite it to her when I get chance

    Also, I need decide where best to do it, as I mostly see her at school, I was thinking then, when based on whatever is going on and some more information I have to gather, or if I should go somewhere with her and such.

    Also, I am looking for bit information on love poems, I will be looking for some of the greater poems on the subject, any suggestions? I don't think I will share any of the poem as I am writing, as, least from my current thoughts, such should only seen by the person I intend to give it to, and none see it before, least that is my current thoughts on the matter.

    So yeah, would greatly appreciate any advice you might be able to offer. Thanks.

  • The Rising Pheonix
    18 years ago

    Well, I think the third one is ood, and as where to do it, maybe ask her to come to the side with you at scholl, or ask her to meet you somewhere at your school

  • Darien
    18 years ago

    My dear friend Patrick,

    You remind me of myself a few years ago when I was confronted by the love bug. I had a crush on this one girl, and I had decided to write her a poem to tell her how I felt about her. The poem was fairly reasonable to my liking, it would not be something I would post on this site. I was young then, haha, sorry I'm not that old, but I like to think I'm wise. Go with your second option, when she reads it, the words will be more clear, than if you recited it. Good luck to you my friend, I hope fate plays a bigger role for you than it did for me.

  • *~*LilBee*~*
    18 years ago

    all three sound SOO sweet. but i agree with damien.... it'll be clearer if its written down. i wish you luck but i dont think you will need it (any girl in their right mind wouldnt say no to a guy who writes a sweet peom to them!!)


  • Patrick Coleman
    18 years ago

    Yeah, thanks, think I might go with the second when I do act. Hopefully do alright... At the moment likely to be a slight delay, since I am at the moment in my darkness... but hopefully when emerge from it, be ready to start doing something.

  • Gem
    18 years ago

    I think any girl would be lucky to have you
    All my friends agree that a guy who would write them poetry is a keeper.
    Thats why i got with Marcus, lol. He wrote me poems.
    A girl just can't say no to that.
    I wish you all the luck in the world! (although you don't need it, lol)

  • Lovely Bones
    18 years ago

    I think that's really sweet, and you're one of the rare gentlemen out there today. However, if you basically only see her at school, before confessing your feelings why don't you get to know her outsdie of school? Sometimes people act one way at school and differently outside of it. Just a thought, but good luck :)