DON'T neglect/abandon your contests! They need careful nurturing

  • Twisted Heart
    18 years ago

    If any post needed to be bumped up to the first page, It's this one. I found it on page four. Please, people, keep an eye on your contest. If for some reason, you can't finish it, then try to find someone who can help you out. There are always people with idle time on their hands.

    If you can't find someone, then close it down and let the people that have entered know it. So many times, it is bumped and bumped and bumped... And still no response from the person who created it in the first place.

    Once again, tend your contest with the love you'd give a child, because in the end, It will benefit you


  • Esther
    18 years ago

    I do do contests and i always wait until the finishong date, so some-times it wil appear like i have left it, but i don't do that! i thik since you put it like that i will post on my compitioins more often!

  • Twisted Heart
    18 years ago

    Sorry Ester, Wasn't naming any names. Just in general. I've seen poetry contests that have been on the site stuck on the fourth or fifth page that just got lost by the wayside. Those are the ones that I'm talking about. Sometimes, they need to be bumped by the creator, just to let people know that they aren't forgotten.

    Sometimes, a person will reserve a title or a spot on a contest and get busy and just let it slip their mind. Those need to be bumped to jog their memeries.

    A simple word like bump, can get it back where the people can see it. Not only will the poets who have submitted to it, the ones who reserved can see it and also, some of the new members can try their hands at some very good contests.

    I don't think anyone would intentionally just drop a contest, but sometimes life happens and it can't be helped. These are the ones, i'm talking about for a person to get someone else to help them out. It isn't that hard to ask and like I said in my earlier post their are always poets with some idle time on their hands.

    Anyway, to all those who read this post, I was going through some of the contests and saw this one and felt like it needed to be bumped.

    Not singling anyone in particular, Just in general.


  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    I hate it when people who are ruinning the contests im in forget about it.. im like..'when is it gonna end?' whose gonna win?' i save all the contests i enter in my faves.. so i check up ion them.. and i get like RAWR.. lol. i try my best to check in on my posts and contests amap. although that doesnt mean every day it sure doesnt mean i dont check on tehm at all. =]


  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    yeah ive taken over 4 contests. although i ALMOST abandonded one when my pc broke down luckily i picked it up again. but anyway yeah ppl dun abandon ur contests..u started them..its like a baby. u had it...and now what u take care of it for the 1st few days then get bored and leave it for anyone who cares:( that's not nice. heck yes good metaphor thingy:D anyway i babbled a lot so ima shut up now. adios amigos.

  • Letty
    18 years ago
