sad, confused and in love...

  • [perect]stranger
    18 years ago

    please help me someone! i really like this guy and we are friends but i just dont know how to tell if he likes me or what to do to make him like me more than a friend...he is the only guy in my life who im even friends with and he is like my ideal guy in everyway. im 15...and i know thats not very old but all my friends are not even virgins any more and i havent had my first kiss yet. idk just looking for some advice...:(

  • ABrookeD
    18 years ago

    Aww..well the best advice i can give you is to tell him how you feel. You shouldn't worry about your first kiss. Personally i think it's good that you havn't gotten it yet. You should wait for a special guy who you really want to share that moment with. I was 7 years old, and i had no idea how special a kiss was. I wish i had waited. As for your friends losing their virginity, well that shouldn't matter either. I hope you're not saying you want to lose it because all of your friends have. I respect you for staying a virgin. You hold onto your virginity as long as possible, or you may regret it. Back on the subject of this guy friend. If you really care about him that much, just tell him. How will you ever know if it could be more than a friendship, if you don't say anytihng? Just be aware that if you were to get involved in a relationship with him, and things didn't work out, you could wind up losing a good friend. Trust me, your decision will have a big impact on your friendship in the future. Hope that helped.

  • Gem
    18 years ago

    I agree with ^
    I was 16 when i had my first kiss and it was witht my fiance who i'm still with.
    Your doing the right thing in waiting.
    And about the guy?
    Talk to him.
    Your friends, so it shouldn't be too hard as it would be with a stranger.
    Good luck hun