were does true friendship lay??

  • *screenplayofdesire*
    18 years ago

    i know how u feel

  • Gem
    18 years ago


  • Mark
    18 years ago

    Yeah I know how you feel.. but then again they might not be able to help..

  • Natalie
    18 years ago

    Good point Mark.

    Some friends ARE there for you, but it's hard to realise it. Since sometimes they just might not know what kind of advice to give, or how to react to certain things you tell them.

    But if you're looking for a friend that you'll be able to lean on, just keep on looking around, cause you will find those kind of friends. :] If that makes sense, lol.

  • Love Panda
    18 years ago

    why dont you just start talking to them, make them realise your in pain, sufering and need there help...(for a change)

    hopefully they'l change there attitude towards you and actually start being a friend..

    october xx

  • Chelsey
    18 years ago

    in the hands of god..thats the only friendship I believe will ever be true :-)

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    One way friendship. It hurts more than it heals, and it's obvously unfair... You don't have to speak to a friend face to face to find confort. I find it easier to tell strangers oneline stuff, people who can only give me advice, people who can't do anything for me but talk. It's a nice comfort to hear a stranger cares enough to devote ten minutes of unused time to you.

    ... I've been online sense I was 8, and I've had more consistent friends on here then in real life, and they're more willing to listen, I guess most of them need a life. ;)

    You can be nice and keep your old friends, but I reckomed getting new ones as well.