There's something wrong with Canada.

    18 years ago

    The other one only got 2?
    And only 10?
    Was he insane or something?

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    He may have been crazy or some thing... I don't know enough about this to judge, too many what ifs.

    Could you give us a link to a more detailed versoin of what happened?

  • ABrookeD
    18 years ago

    That's not right, but i think he should get life in prison.

  • Lovely Bones
    18 years ago

    Canada does need a change. The sad part is that most everyone thinks that putting a person in jail is going to fix everything. Locking people up is not going to get to the root of the problem.

  • Salinity
    18 years ago

    What is the root of the problem? I ask..

    Family and environment? Early socialization/developmental psych and education?

    What about peer pressure and media portrayal? This is a complex issue without one-dimensional solutions. Certainly no eye-for-an-eye approach.

  • Lyla
    18 years ago

    In canada you get more of a punishment for trafficing drugs then muder, its messed up.

  • Lovely Bones
    18 years ago

    The root of the problem is obviously what made the person commit the crime. I s'pose it's different for everybody; we go through different issues that affect us in a different way.

  • Ed or Ian Henderson
    18 years ago

    "People like that should be KILLED on the spot, in my opinion."

    Wow. I applaud your tolerance. You see, in some cultures people ARE killed on the spot (more or less) for things like that. You can even get places that will stone the perpetrator to death. I think maybe everywhere should just do that. But then, having said that, these same countries of which I speak... Maybe the 10 year old was kinda gay. Or did something the famuily didn't approve of. perhaps it was an honour killing eh? And who can fault family honour in these Godless and hedonistic times?

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    I fail to see how an isolated incident like the one described above, can be used to fuel the a statement that a whole country needs to change.

    Maybe people and their ill educated opinions need to change. After all, it is usually ignorance that lets things like this happen.

  • LadyPearl
    18 years ago

    ^True about ignorance

  • Atomic
    18 years ago

    Better system.

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • Ed or Ian Henderson
    18 years ago

    We're the same as political commentators as we are sports fans: we think we can run a country, a legal system, or an army as much as we know that we can coach the Habs to a Stanley Cup or run pro soccer better than Sepp Blatter. You see what I'm saying?

    For every guy that does just 10 for the most heinous of crimes there's 20 more serving a year for something that resulted from living in poverty, or for having too much pot on him. Or getting in a drunken fight.

    Justice is a very strange thing to pin down, in any day or age. We don't hang people for sheep theft any more for example. I have no sheep. Coincidence? I think not.

  • Ed or Ian Henderson
    18 years ago

    You know what? Kids don't need to know they're living in an unsafe world. We need to be around enough to make sure that we do what we can to make it safe for them. We need to let them be kids for as long as they can be kids.

    And it's hard to be a kid when you're sitting at your XBox 360 being a 30-year old gangsta.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    It's a strange thing to be discussing these issues in here with what should be the forward thinking writers of the world.

    Instead all I see is apathy, bloodlust and indifference, and I see that in myself as well, but no the bloodlust...I save that for my drumming.

    But seriously, it's education that is the key to all this, and we all know that the leviathon is soooo powerful now that anyone who does stand up straight, without being a celebrity or media whore, is going to get slapped down quicksmart...or find "problems" with their tax records etc.

    We are all good people in here I hope, reasonable and caring for the world in our own way....just spread that around, don't listen to any TV news channels..the world is ok, it's the fact our leaders are not "ok" that causes all these problems.

  • Ghoulishly Dead
    18 years ago

    why dont you just ban guns?

  • Lovely Bones
    18 years ago

    There's also bombs,
    ropes to stangle, and good ol' karate to kick someone's but on the street with. It's not all about guns.

  • Lovely Bones
    18 years ago


  • Ghoulishly Dead
    18 years ago

    then why does everyone keep going on about guns?