Janis Please Delete A Comment For Me

  • Jacki
    20 years ago

    In one of my poems "the image in my profile" Please delete a comment from RUTH. It is very ignorant what she wrote. Thank you so much :)

  • Gracie Jo
    20 years ago

    She has commented on some of my poems as well... very rudely too...

  • My Obsεssion
    20 years ago

    wow she commented rudely on my Addiction I just recently..

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    Hey ladies? just remember one thing...When Ruth/Rutha..gets her degree in english Literature, then she can trash poems, but all I see is jealousy of ppl who write 100 times better than she does..I dont even bother voting for her..they are not worth my valuable time. Just relax, you have fans out there..she is only one person, and I use that term loosely. Timothy r

  • Jacki
    20 years ago

    =) thank you tim!

  • My Obsεssion
    20 years ago

    Yeah :) It really is evil what some people do to try and put you down..

  • Sean Allen
    20 years ago

    lol, her comments are none too bright are they

  • Gracie Jo
    20 years ago

    thank you Timothy R, it means a lot to me =)

  • Sarah
    20 years ago

    Here's my two cents, there is a HUGE difference between making constructive critisim and just plan RUDE comments. I've had a few people say either they didn't like all the exclamation points I used or my spelling was off on something. But none of those things were done in a manner to hurt or break one down. That's what everyone wants to do in this world, they can't just be happy that someone has an outlet such as writing instead of hurting someone or themselves! They're excersing their right to free speech, but no one said that that right meant feel free to speak nasty things!! We all know who the great poets are and the ones that are on their way there. Then there's the ones that KNOW they won't be great and tear others down w/ their only weapon, THEIR MIND! Bravo as always to you Jacki!!

  • David
    20 years ago


  • Jacki
    20 years ago

    yeah she has nothing better to do then leave stupid comments on my poems.....Jesus i wish i could say more about her but i'll keep my mouth closed for now.

  • Sarah
    20 years ago

    Since I was the last one that commented, I was affraid you two were talking about me...but then I checked one your poems David and found one from that "Rutha"...so I think you weren't...if you were, sorry. I really do think you both are gre8!(both as in David and Jacki!) Bravo!!

  • David
    20 years ago


  • Sarah
    20 years ago

    Okay, I get it now...I just wanted to make sure no one was upset w/ any of my comments. Later tater!

  • Brandon Evans
    20 years ago

    Can't you delete comments from your own poems?

  • Gracie Jo
    20 years ago

    i wish you could delete comments ...

  • alexander
    20 years ago

    Me to