Breezy! This is important!!

  • Natalie
    18 years ago

    ^^Go there! ..Someone has basically posted all of our poems there. They've got that they're written by us... but they've put them there? What the.........

    18 years ago

    Holy crap, I went there to see it and she stole of of your guyses poems! Not really stole, she gave you credit, but still, she took them and posted them elsewhere. How did you come across that page Nat?


  • Natalie
    18 years ago

    I've just been googleing bits of every single one of my poems.

    Omg. You wouldn't BELIEVE how many of my poems I've found plagerised.

    Holy crap.

    I'm so pissed off. Lmao

  • Megann Lee
    18 years ago

    I'd be mad for having somoene post that on a site in the first place. Even given credit. ;|

    I was going to do that ages ago Natalie. But I was to lazy to paste parts of my poems into google and look. xD.