Online Covern.

  • Saraphene
    18 years ago

    Hi there!
    I'm a Pagan Priestess just out of training and as I attend a christian bound sixth form I am having a little trouble forming a covern.
    Then I had this majour brain wave and thought why not set up an online covern? An open non exclusive thing open to pagens everywhere! Just imagen the aurail energy of a world wide covern!
    So if you are a pagen, thinking of becoming one or are just plain curious and whant to know more(paganism isn't just magick and whichcraft there are practical sides to it too, like herb lore) then this is the place to be!

  • Dumpstead
    18 years ago

    I have very different views on relegions or spiritualism. But I want to understand the concept and philosophy of variuos beliefs, especailly related to spiritualism and relegion.

    If you have no pbjections, send me a message and if you are willing probably you can explain about paganism and we can discuss.

  • UnToLd TrUtH
    18 years ago

    Yeah i have always been interested in this sort of stuff and won't mind getting some more info on it. You can message me if you like.

  • Saraphene
    18 years ago

    All are welcome

  • Saraphene
    18 years ago

    will do

  • Misstress
    18 years ago

    Count me in!

  • Saraphene
    18 years ago

    no offence taken.

  • Saraphene
    18 years ago

    glad to have you mistress!

  • Saraphene
    18 years ago

    glad to have you too menare animals/woman are alians.

    by the way like the name!

  • Saraphene
    18 years ago

    Well i'd love to be involved!
    helping people is what i do best and if i can help people worldwide (potentionally) over the internet then so much the better!
    Don't worry though, i wont go cramming my religion down peoples throats, but if some one asks me a specific question about one or even several religions then i will answer to the best of my knowlege(of about sixteen different religions-depenending which one they ask about!) but you know what i mean, i'll just do what i do best and give advice!

  • milly
    18 years ago

    I'd love to know more, could you please private message me to tell me all about...well I understandt he basics, but I'm still really interested!
    much love x

  • Lovely Bones
    18 years ago

    I didn't really know that paganism was a religion, just a type of person or the way that person lived like a thousand years ago lol. Sorry.
    I'd love to learn more about it though.

  • Letty
    18 years ago

    I'm not saying I want to join or anything, I just want to learn more about it. Could you please send me a private message.

    Thank you

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago


  • Saraphene
    18 years ago

    What an articulate reply