Hope But Hate

  • catherine
    18 years ago

    What should you do when you know that your life is good, and that you are lucky, but you still hate yourself. You've seen councillers, therapists and doctors but the only temporarily helped and now your sick of talking? You know your family is awesome and you love your friends, but you can't feel good? You know you don't actualy have depression but you can't help but feel low? And then you still have the power to be strong through all of it? Even when you wish to die? (I'm not suicidal) But it just doesn't make sence. Some days are so bad, and then there's moments or hours when you just feel so good? Please.

  • ShhhhItsASecret©
    18 years ago

    You DO have depression if you're describing yourself.... And what you do, is keep trying... We're stuck in this life whether we like it or not.. And for the record, only SOME people actually can kill themselves. There have been people who shot themselves IN THE HEAD and still lived... Granted, they were mentally handicapped from that point on, but still...

    The point is, we're stuck here until it is our time to go.. Might as well at least TRY to make ourselves enjoy it...


  • catherine
    18 years ago

    Thanks. What just you two have said has stuck in my head, I'll try to remember it in future times.

  • ForeverYoung
    18 years ago

    Thankyou Catherine, for posting this!
    You wrote everything ive bee trying to say.
    And thanks for the people that answered. You have helped not only Catherine But me aswell.

    ~Steph.E. aka Murder.