rememberance day contest

  • Mommy And Me
    18 years ago


    rememberance day is quickly aproaching.. and i thought it would be apropriate for a contest. No titles will be given. but there is only room for 17 peoms.

    ~*~ PRIZES ~*~
    1st place--> 12 comments/votes... critisim
    2nd place-> 8 comments/votes... critisim
    3rd place --> 5 comments/votes
    All Others --> 2 comments

    Reserved -- 0/17

    Complete -- 0/17

    1) as little profanity as posible
    2) must place type of poem after tiyle [sonnet]
    3) Dead line is November 11th
    4) you can reserve a spot
    5) must be one of the following types of poetry

    a) Terzanella
    Define: Terzanelle
    The Terzanelle is a 19-line poem consisting of five interlocking triplets plus a concluding quatrain
    in which the first and third lines of the first triplet appear as refrains. The middle line of each triplet
    is a repetend reappearing as the last line of the succeeding triplet with the exception of the center
    line of the next-to-the-last stanza which appears in the quatrain. The rhyme and refrain scheme
    for the triplets is as follows:

    1. A
    2. B
    3. A
    4. b
    5. C
    6. B
    7. c
    8. D
    9. C
    10. d
    11. E
    12. D
    13. e
    14. F
    15. E
    16. f
    17. A or F
    18. F or A
    19. A

    b) Villanelle
    define: Villanelle
    A Villanelle is a nineteen-line poem consisting of a very specific rhyming scheme:
    aba aba aba aba aba abaa.

    The first and the third lines in the first stanza are repeated in alternating order throughout the
    poem, and appear together in the last couplet (last two lines).

    c) Sonnet (specify type of sonnet)
    define: Sonnet
    A Sonnet is a poem consisting of 14 lines (iambic pentameter) with a particular rhyming scheme:

    Examples of a rhyming scheme:

    #1) abab cdcd efef gg
    #2) abba cddc effe gg
    #3) abba abba cdcd cd

    A Shakespearean (English) sonnet has three quatrains and a couplet, and rhymes abab cdcd efef gg.

    An Italian sonnet is composed of an octave, rhyming abbaabba, and a sestet, rhyming
    cdecde or cdcdcd, or in some variant pattern, but with no closing couplet.

    Usually, English and Italian Sonnets have 10 syllables per line, but Italian Sonnets can also have
    11 syllables per line.

    French sonnets follow in this same pattern, but normally have 12 syllables per line.

    d) Sestina
    The sestina is a strict ordered form of poetry, dating back to twelfth century French troubadours. It
    consists of six six-line (sestets) stanzas followed by a three-line envoy. Rather than use a rhyme
    scheme, the six ending words of the first stanza are repeated as the ending words of the other five
    stanzas in a set pattern. The envoy uses two of the ending words per line, again in a set pattern.

    First stanza, ..1 ..2 ..3 ..4 ..5 ..6
    Second stanza, ..6 ..1 ..5 .. 2 ..4 ..3
    Third stanza, ..3 ..6 ..4 ..1 ..2 ..5
    Fourth stanza, ..5 ..3 ..2 ..6 ..1 ..4
    Fifth stanza, ..4 ..5 ..1 ..3 ..6 ..2
    Sixth stanza, ..2 ..4 ..6 ..5 ..3 ..1

    Concluding tercet:
    middle of first line ..2, end of first line ..5
    middle of second line ..4, end of second line..3
    middle if third line ..6, end of third line ..1

    the sestina sounds confusing but isnt... an example

    Crimson Field [Sestina]

    The men shot into the horizon
    And watched as their friends fell
    Their blood a painted river
    Among the dusty battle fields
    And with in their left breast pocket
    Were smiles of the ones they loved

    They fought for who they loved
    They prayed towards the horizon
    A cross placed in their pocket
    Forbidden tears often fell
    With dreams of grassy fields
    And beautiful majestic rivers

    The tears were their rivers
    They were surrounded by no love
    Captured within the prison of fields
    Shot towards the horizon
    And watched as the enemy fell
    Placed a bullet with in their pocket

    The safety, of an invisible pocket
    Was all that protected them from crimson rivers
    But even then one… by one… they fell
    All for the ones they loved
    Red and Black tinted the horizon
    And grey swept through the fields

    Poppies rose from filthy fields
    And they placed memories in their pockets
    Watched the sun set upon the horizon
    As the soothing sound of the trickling river
    Shared the perfect moment everyone loved
    As finally the long awaited silence fell

    So think of those who fell
    Within the crimson fields
    You are who they loved
    You kept the smile in their pocket
    Their souls have filled the River
    And their hearts shade the horizon

    For The final tear fell, and landed in the pocket
    Of the soldier in the field, beside the bloodied rivers
    Going home to the ones they loved, they set towards the horizon

    18 years ago

    Jenna wants to do one! Reserve me a spot Doll.


  • Mommy And Me
    18 years ago

    FREAKING BUMP!!! lmao... this is important contest :|

    18 years ago

    HAHAHA ur too cute


  • Mommy And Me
    18 years ago

    haha.. no :|


    18 years ago

    Yes -glares.-


  • Mommy And Me
    18 years ago

    lol fine.... im cute -rolls eyes then smiles-

    well.. i dont think many people care about remberance day on this site... or just find it a pointless contest... or idk...

    18 years ago

    Well, Jenna will friggin do one! I care about Rememberance Day. My Grandpa fought in the war, my Uncle Bob did, my other Grandpa did. It's an important time for me =[


  • Mommy And Me
    18 years ago

    -hugs- i no you do dear

    18 years ago

    BUMMMMP =|


  • Mommy And Me
    18 years ago

    Jenna.. i dont think anyone wants to do this contest... miswell just let it go

    18 years ago

    Ill kick you missy!


  • Mommy And Me
    18 years ago

    im closing this contest Jenna... just let it go on through the pages... i will try again closer to rememberance day

    18 years ago

    If we were on MSN right now, stephan would be giving you the look right now lol.
