Eyes are...

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    It's supposed to mean that you can read a person's entire world through their eyes.

    but i disagree.

    i can lie with me eyes as well as i can with my words.

    hope that helps

  • TheRevelation
    16 years ago

    Eyes are where you can see emotion, see the pain, happiness, agony, joy, greed, envy, everything.
    But then again some people can lie with their eyes.

  • TwistedAngel xx
    16 years ago

    Eyes are...
    what you use to see
    doesn't mean you see everything though


  • Stephanie Naylor
    16 years ago

    It means tht
    you can tell how a person is feeling
    by the way there eyes look

    u can tell where a person
    has been

    and where they are going

  • Ixora
    16 years ago

    ^_^ i think the quote originated from the Roman political citizen && philosopher Cicero...he has quite the works but my latin teacher told me once he said the quote and i dont doubt him : ) i think it was a little different though you know how times change...

    I think what it means is that eyes make the most powerful gestures of all. They're always shining and ever lasting..it's something we can see but cant understand...kind of like life...

    *shrugs* i think thats what it means but i think meanings of it are as versitile as eyes themselves to be honest

  • Natalie
    16 years ago

    To me, it means that the eyes are the biggest give away to what a person feels! They see right into the expression that the body tries to desguise!


  • Invited
    16 years ago

    Eyes never lie and are what seeks for information and tendency today.