This will probably cause a huge row, like many things on this forum.
But s/h isn't good. I think people understand that. Yes, it makes you feel slightly better at the time, but in the long run it makes you even more angry with yourself and drags you further into the darkness.
So instead of being selfish and hurting yourself, why not listen to angry music or immerse yourself in something creative or something you enjoy?
Self harm, however you want to see it, is still attention seeking, whether no one knows about it or not. You're giving attention to yourself which can so easily be replaced with something else.
You're leaving scars, whether they're physical or mental. Certainly if someone who cares about you finds out it will tear them up inside to know that you couldn't talk to them.
You will never be loved if you can't first learn to love and respect your own body, as no one else will do so.
Yes, you will still get the urge when things bring you down, but remember to build yourself up rather than explode with anger or depression.
Right or wrong?