All cutting posts, this is the thread

  • UnderAge Dying
    18 years ago

    Just THINKING About Laughing Makes You Relieve Some Stress

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    sick and tired of waiting- um u sed you worry about the ppl who hide their intentions do u eman their cuts/scars too?

    b/c i think the opposite-those are the ppl ashamed they know what theyre doing is wrong.and they dont like it. the people who dont care what people see or think are the ones i worry aobut. they dont thin kits a bad things. which means they will do it. and dont want to stop.. thats why i worry aobut them.. =\

  • Just Sierra
    18 years ago

    "b/c i think the opposite-those are the ppl ashamed they know what theyre doing is wrong.and they dont like it."

    Those also are the people least likely to hold onto life for somebody else. They don't care enough about themselves or anyone else that suicide may be scary but they won't hold back. You can't stop someone from commiting suicide if you don't know that they're upset, see my point??? People will cut no matter if they think it's a bad thing or not. Even when I cut and I told my friends what I was doing, all along I knew that what I was doing was "wrong" and "immoral" and if I succeeded, I was headed straight for hell.

    That kind of realization has nothing to do with whether or not I tell anyone. However, it has everything to do with how you'll accept suicide. If you can accept those terms, which I couldn't, going to hell scared the living *beep* out of me, then you're most likely not going to hold back.

    Give it a bit more thought. My way of explaining this is a little complicated because I can't find the right words...I'm sorry if it confuses you.

  • donna
    18 years ago

    People can try and help people that show they are cutting, they can talk to them and try to stop them taking it one step further [suicide] Those who say nothing and don't let people know are more of a threat to themselves as people can not try and help them, and the chances of someone that hides their scars are more likely to try and take their life in secret too.

    Sorry just trying to simplify for it for You lol

  • Just Sierra
    18 years ago

    Hahahaha thanks.
    You captured that exactly. Thanks. =]

  • donna
    18 years ago

    :] I know the times I used to cut and tell were the times I wanted help and was scared I was going to do something stupid.. The times I said nothing I was past looking for help and those were the times when I tried to take my own life within hrs of cutting, so can see exactly what You are trying to say.. and agree with You totally

  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    Get over it and move on. Take my advice or finish the project today!

  • DeAnna
    18 years ago

    i don't care what the rest of the thread says.. right now is the first time that i've wanted to cut in 10 months. i could never be happier, but i want to cut. i don't want to die, i just want to remember what that felt like.. see more scars.. remember the past that i used to have which is now gone.
    i actually opened this thread hoping for something to comfort or help me.. i was wrong. thanks guys.

  • ~me~
    18 years ago

    but the fact is if we wanted to laugh we would have go to the humor section but this is about selfharming. when people just make jokes, they may be funny but when peole are cutting they dont want to laugh, they want answers and help
    and your jokes really arnt helping
    also i really dont think one thread is enough because people will be wanting answers and ignore the problem posted above
    so it will end up being a tread of questions with no answers
    delete this thread, its not helping!
    also who cares if there are alot of posts about cutting~ its a big problem and a big part of peoples lives
    ive seen some other posts that were about being depressed but because they mentioned that they cut ( just mentioned it ) there tread was locked, even though it had nothing to do with cutting


  • kori
    18 years ago

    i agree with the above

    i think its wrong to make this the only thing that relates to that topic. and im sure all the jokes people are posting make them self-concious and they dont want to post it in this thread. its not helping anyone, and i think its wrong.

  • Just Sierra
    18 years ago

    This whole thread used to be dedicated to more in-depth discussions more heartwrenching than the pitiful topic that's become a trend among teens--cutting.

    People used to actually have know? The kinds that people stop and say "hey...I reeally really appreciate my life now." And their problems make you realize that you don't have it so bad.
    But now it seems that all you want to do is wallow in self-pity. BUT IT GETS YOU NOWHERE! Self-pity doesn't get you anything in life. No guy is going to ride up on wild stallion, take you up in his arms, promise to heal every cut you've ever made and make you the happiest girl on Earth. It's not going to happen. Chivalry is dead and you have to stop losing yourself TO YOURSELF!! I mean people out there are STARVING because they can't find any food or they can't afford it and here you are deciding that your life is so miserable that you might as well as just hack up your beautiful bodies.

    People have problems, you guys. Not all this pitiful, stupid, useless crap you guys talk about. You ask for my advice, I've already given it. Drop the stupid Pity-Me-Act and develop a life because no one can save you but yourself. People WILL disappoint you in this life. People WILL hurt you either unintentionally or intentionally. You're like little kids right fall, stumble, scrap your knee and you start crying.

    I've had enough crap thrown at me too. I -didn't- give up. I've almost given up a thousand times and I know it's about the hardest thing in the world to hold onto a world that doesn't seem to really care about you. But it's worth it. And all those times I nearly died, I woke up with a new respect for life. The sun still shines even when you can't seem to put a smile on your face by force.

    Wake up.
    Stop complaining.
    Stop cutting.
    Just STOP IT! It's stupid, it does NOTHING except hurt all those people that love you. And you have no idea how bad it hurts those people until one of them snaps and sinks so low and starts cutting, maybe taking their lives. Hold on to life for them if not yourself. Could you honestly take the guilt if they died? No, I don't think so. Don't encourage stupidity, please.

  • kori
    18 years ago

    now that i read that, i agree.

  • DyingOneTearAtATime
    18 years ago

    all people that cut end up not cutting cause they start to lose themselves to doing it................then they feel like they are going i say leave cutters alone.............if they kill themselves......................we got one less insane person in the world...................but if u try to help them most of the time they wont listen to u at all................they have to think for themself that is a fact


  • ms.understood
    18 years ago

    ^^um... yea lets try r cuters insane?i cut for a few yrs so my psych wanted me to reasearch it and guess what theres a reason its such a relief... it releases hormones (or sumthin like that-its been so long i cant remember)and it actually does make u feel not sayin its rite, but cutters rnt insanse!plz until u kno each & every cutter & there own individual stories dont say that kind of B.S.

  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago

    i cut................i feel like cutting rite now....


  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago

    PSS. WE R NOT INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ppl who think about this r BUll s**** it's watwe want to do! wat u gonna do about it!

  • Just Sierra
    18 years ago

    Technically, if you look at the definition of insanity, being a cutter doesn't qualify, though it can be a symptom.

    What IS insane in the loose sense is hurting yourself. For the simple reason that your body is built to be the perfect machine and heal all those day-to-day germs, cuts, bruises, whatever happens. Your body will do it's best to heal it. And by cutting yourself, or doing anything harmful with the intent to mess yourself up a bit, that's utterly senseless (insane). You're crashing your immune system, messing up your skin, increasing the risk of lock-jaw...


    I have a question for you. And be completely honest with yourself. If you want to lie on here, that's fine. But really, think about this.

    Have you ever almost succeeded in taking your own life?

    I downed 39 pills and I have to admit, it was the most wretched feeling in the entire world. All I wanted to do that night was sleep. But I was desperate for attention (which isn't always such a bad thing. If you need it, you need it. So what if it's attention? Would it kill you to pay a little more attention to anyone but yourself sometimes?) and I told my boyfriend. Luckily, he refused to let me fall asleep that night (it was a school night) and I was dying on the phone. I had a skull-splitting headache, a stomach ache that made me wish that my body would just explode to relieve me of the pain, and on top of that, I was shaking so badly I made a heroin addict look in-control. And literally the entire time, I was apologizing to him and begging him not to get me help because I either wanted to die where I was for my own stupidity or wake up in the morning and learn my lesson. I didn't want to go to the hospital or visit the physch ward or anything like that. I kept saying out loud, "i don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die." and it was pathetic because when I look at it now, I'm wondering why I did it in the first place?

    Plain and simple:

    I think cutting is a BAD thing.
    I don't think attention is a bad thing.
    If you want it, just say it. People need to stop treating attention like its a bad thing. It's a part of life and everyone craves it. Everyone needs to feel noticed or loved or cared for. It's on the freaking hierarchy of needs! And if you could spend just 10 freaking minutes out of your day that you've dedicated to yourself, you might be able to save a life.

    Everyone should be trying to help everyone else. Because it's stupid to only care about yourself. It's stupid to NOT care about yourself.

    Get my point?

  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago

    Have you ever almost succeeded in taking your own life?

    umm no, to be REALLY HONEST.......nope, u kno i really do sometimes think we or I do it for attention, cuz i mean if no ones there for u, then u start cutting then u get the attention that ur hurting urself......oohh it worksa hell lot, but we never acctually succeed. only if u do it really deep and too much u die. lol. but anyways, whenu try to get attention, that's mostly when u Doloose attention. it doesn't work.

    cutting is bad, but it's not really a crime to kill urself for a reasonable explanations, or something. but anyways, it IS a bad thing. well, ppl do wat they want to do...........

    that must have taken along time to write the whole thing, sick and tired of


  • Willow
    18 years ago

    Have you ever almost succedded in taking your own life?

    NO. i haven't even tried and won't try. well at least i think i wnt. i dn't actually see the point in ME ending my life. i know i will get through the whole cutting my arm stage and one day be able to smile with that true shine in my eyes again. i do cut and have for 10 months now. sometimes i can go for two days with out cutting. i have made nearly a month two times now. last night i was staying with a friend and our other friend was with us (so there was 3 of us). we were on the trampoline at 12 in the morning and i sarted crying really silently to myself. first i was crying because one of these friends is moving to a whole days travel away from me. then i cried becuase i wanted to slice my arms so bad. cover them from wrist to elbow in deep cuts. i dnt know why. i just felt so horrible. i'll probably end up cutting myself tonight. i really feel like it and i just want to cry and cry and cry wiht somebody holding me tight. like they will never let me go. god i talk shit...... i'll go now...
    love willow xxoo

  • Just Sierra
    18 years ago

    Yes, that did take a lot of time and energy out of me. But despite what a lot of people may think on this site, that I don't care about cutters, they're wrong.

    So you've both said that you haven't actually been near death. That's good. I don't want you to. So take my word for the end, or near the end, that's when you'll start to regret hurting yourself. A couple more pills and it could have been over for me. If I had fallen asleep, I wouldn't be here. And I'm so glad I stopped. I have people to live for!!!!!! People DO love me and even if they didn't, they're not worth me taking my life anyways.

    Once it's almost over, that's when you REALLY start loving life and holding on. Please for God's Sake, don't try to kill yourself for this post, but take my word for it. Most times, when you're feeling your heart beat slowing, your body aching to an extreme you've never felt before, and your vision starting to blur, that's when you get scared that it really IS almost over. It's a horrible feeling...a horrible thought...

    You'll never wake up to the morning light streaming through your window.
    You'll never have children that grow up and you will have to attend their wedding.
    You'll never get the chance to LAUGH until you cry ever again.
    You'll never be able to kiss, hug, or cuddle with the one you love.
    You'll never be able to experience the FINER points of life. All this teenage crap, it's supposed to prepare you for a bigger, harder, but more rewarding world!!!

    But Of course there are those cases of people who have no remorse and they really truly DO want to die...aye aye aye. I won't get started on them. =]

    But please stop cutting because it could be one cut too many that puts you in a position like that. I'm sure there's nothing that you're going through that somebody on this site probably hasn't gone through before. Try talking to someone, being rational about it, and getting HELP rather than just slicing yourself up and waiting for someone to notice.

    Because I will say it once again--it is stupid.

  • katie!
    18 years ago

    Short statement: Cutting is attention seeking, stupid, and many other rude words that I wont say.
    Grow up, try something original and enjoy yourself. and if you're really depressed: Do something PRODUCTIVE about it.

  • katie!
    18 years ago

    ^ was going to post a long sarcastic answer but well. YOU DON'T KNOW ME. therefore, you know nothing about my past. Please don't presume you do.

    Look, I'm going to be frank, and blunt. Cutting IS attention seeking, No matter what you say, and gee what a shocker, I cut for over a year, know A LOT of things about it and STILL think that it is attention seeking. Simple Answer. Until you can be bothered to stop, you wont. The longer you hang around in the self pity quagmire, your life wont get better. So people need to get off their metaphorical and physical arses and start helping themselves. This isn't ignorance it's THE TRUTH. Comes in handy.

  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago

    lauren...ur spellings, but i agree with u....

    katie....don't judge ppl if u don't kno them and stop being a stereo type! sheesh to YOU!

    not ALL cutters want attention! they do it for a damn reason that u don't kno anything about!


  • Just Sierra
    18 years ago

    ^^^^^^^Both of you.

    You say don't judge people.
    Well that's stupid as well, just as it's hypocritical. EVERYONE judges. You may try NOT to, but you make assumptions about people everyday.

    And if you want your opinion to be taken seriously on this site, I really don't recommend insulting another person's opinion. You can say that you disagree and state your reasons, but keep in mind that no ONE opinion is right or wrong. So don't assume that yours is the right one just because it's yours.

    Watch the language.

    And I think you both should brush up on the rules really fast.

  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago



  • Just Sierra
    18 years ago

    'Tis alright.

  • katie!
    18 years ago

    Like I said before, You don't know me. So I'd rather if you didn't act as though you did, and I'm never shocked about peoples presumptions, it's just incredibly tiresome.

    Cutting is attention seeking, it CAN be subconcious, and it can be completely and utterly awful, however, it is still, attention seeking. Now I think you're assuming too much once again, you seem to think that I am saying people run around going "look at me I've cut, I'm so depressed" I don't think that, some people do sure, but some people desperately need help and thats they're only way of knowing.
    Before you start ripping into my "ignorance" perhaps you should learn some more yourself. < and NO I don't mean none of you know anything before I get another hatred tirade. And xxpunk..elmo< Sorry that I cant remember your name properly. If you have a massive issue with me, challenge me constructively, read my post thoroughly, because you might learn something.
    It IS blunt, and it isn't all "aaah hun poor u" because that doesn't work, it just feeds into peoples self pity. Only YOU (I use that as a general term) can stop cutting, only YOU can have the common sense to sit up and start making your life work. It is hard, it is horrible, BUT it's a lot better than moping and doing nothing about it and in the end, everything is a million times better.

    And once again, to get my point across, You don't know me, so argue with my opinions, and just my opinions.

  • ms.understood
    17 years ago

    have u ever noticed that as cutters we dont wear bright clothes or things or our wrists or ankles or where ever we cutt...we wear things other places 2 distact form the cutts!!!! the ppl who wear skimmpy slutty outfits r the wana bes who do it cuz its "cool" or the "in-thing" there a bunch of fakes alot like (as ive been noticin lately) ppl round here!this isnt aimed @any1 defendin/tryin 2 explain cuttin, just the narrow minded pieces of shi...
    the narrow minded...ppl...who dont kno what theyre talkin bout who just wana bash ppl 4 how they express themselves.IF U DONT LIKE THE CUTTS ON OUR BODIES DONT LOOK AT US!!!its as simple as that...we rnt proud of them but we rnt ashamed either, atleast im not, cuz i kno i have a problem but sum ppl cant even control it so like ive said many a time b4
    until u kno every1 & all theyre individual stories dont judge us...did u ever think thats y most of us cutt 2 begin w/?

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    17 years ago

    although i had trouble reading your post ms.(whatsit?lol) i agree with what you are saying. i dont show off anything, i hide it.. and if i dont.. its not for attention. its cause i simply do not care if people see b/c i dont care about anyone, or anything. (like my life or friends or family)

    ~and i am also replying to say im sorry for flipping out. i've been in odd mood swings lately.. my friends are starting to get concerned i may be seriously bipolar,, or have cyclothymia. so im sorry. but just so you know bob, i never told her to shut up, i said (quote) 'i think you should shut up.' .. atleast thats what i recall. i could totally be wrong. but im dropping it now. (not my side or w/e) but bringing it back up.

    Katie.. i dont get what ur saying when u say all cutting is attention seeking,. but some of it is subliminally? please explain. so i can dis/agree on proper terms. =]

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    ms. understood:

    MY personal opinion is that your mentally is radically underdeveloped and that you have a LOT of growing up to do. Maybe you should be on the other end of losing a friend to suicide...maybe you should have one of your friends or family members cut themselves up to know that it HURTS to have someone you love not realize how lucky they are to have you in their life. But I don't wish that on you. I wish you would grow up, open your eyes, stop being so selfish, and realize that life is worth more than you say.

    But you're right about one thing-it's your life and your body. If you want to spill your guts out all over the floor and scream at the world for not living up to YOUR standard of perfection then that's your issue. Far be it from me to get in your way and tell you that you have some serious problems. The thing is, you may not FEEL like you have control over your life and the situations, which in some cases you can't change anything, but you can always change how you'll react to certain things or how you'll perceive events. If your mom hits you, you can either

    2)hit her back
    5)threaten her
    6)call social securities and do a damn thing about it!

    Goodness. Your options are limitless! Just use your heads and do what you think is RIGHT! If you don't want to stay in that home, then don't freaking stay! Go live with a grandparent that loves you or something. You're not HELPLESS....if you want helpless, live in the middle east or something. Stop playing the victims and GROW UPPPPPPPP!! God!
    Sorry. I had a BAD day and my boyfriend just tried committing suicide today and I'm freaking SICK of whiny babies complaining about how much their lives suck. And I shouldn't have come home to read this thread. My fault.

    But by the holy name of God, some of you should start growing up reaaaaaaaaaaaaally soon and start caring about people other than yourselves.

  • donna
    17 years ago

    To reply to TPAM's last comment.. But by the holy name.... What if You cut because You do care about others and it is one way of relief that stops You doing something more dreadful?

    I don't cut anymore but by cutting at the time of my life when I did, it made sure I was still around for my children.. Have You ever put a can of beer on a stove without opening it? the pressure builds up and builds up until it eventually explodes.. By opening it a tiny bit it releases the pressure and stops the explosion.. there may be a little spillage, but nowhere near the mess it would have made otherwise..
    Same for when I used to cut.. If I had not at that time I would not be here now.. Was it for attention? No because nobody ever knew at that time.. Am I ashamed? Yes, absolutely.. I hate lying to my kids and them thinking the scars were caused from my cat.. and as they are getting older I know they are going to realise the horrid truth of it all.. Would I do it again? If I have to, to make sure I am not going to let things build up so bad that I try to take my life.. then yes I will

    I have lost 6 people I was close to through suicide and will do anything in my power not to put my friends and family through that.. If that means a few scars on the way then so be it

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    I give up.
    I just do.
    I'm tired of fighting everyone in my life to do the right things. If you don't want people to care, if you don't want help, then stop complaining, stop advertising your problems and your stupid insecurities. No one's happy all the time. No one has the "perfect" life. In fact, there is no such thing as perfect. It's a stupid word used by stupid people like me.
    I fight people every day to quit smoking, to quit using drugs, to quit cussing and saying bad words, to quit doing this or that. I don't know why I bother to try to help or change people. If people want to be stupid, then be as stupid as you can. DIE stupid.

    stupid stupid stupid.

    it's driving me insane to come to this thread. It's making me hate my OWN life because all of you are getting pathetic.

    Yeah. Fine. Penalize me for saying that. I'm getting sick of this site and all these whining babies anyways. And no, comparing your life to a beer on a stove is silly. Who puts beer on a stove anyways? Who heats up their beer? Not me. And everyone explodes, Donna. Even when I cut before, i still exploded. Because before you cut, you pity yourself and review all your reasons to cut..which eventually turn into reasons to die.

    And I suddenly find this saying very true.

    "suicidal people are the most optimistic people you'll ever find. They believe that life will be better for everyone without them."

  • donna
    17 years ago

    'Sick and tired'.. It's just an easier way to look at things.. I'm not saying what You are saying is wrong.. You were a cutter, You know how it makes You feel.. Yeah maybe my way of explaining wasnt the best, but it had nothing to do with putting a beer on the stove.. of course noone would do that, that's just silly.. the best thing for a beer is to drink it.. I started off by replying to your post.. the whole post wasnt about You tho.. If I made You feel like giving up I'm sorry.. that wasn't my intention.. Just not everybody cuts for attention.. I know when I have it has been to stop me doing worse.. that's all.. I also understand there are a lot of people out there that do cut for attention and they wind me up as much as they do You.....

    Look I been drinking right now so this probably doesn't make a lot of sense.. I'm sorry You have had to go through today with ya bf.. really I am.. Can understand totally where you are coming from.. I've been there time and time again.. I do understand..

    Look no hard feelings ok? None were intended on my part.. I am not gonna say sorry for the way I tried to explain things, but am sorry if I made you feel bad.. It truly was not my intention.. Just wanted to get somebody elses point of view across xx

    You know what? This thread is ridiculous.. it is causing nothing but problems between people.. surely that isn't good for anyone.. I am going to go.. Unless anyone replies specifically to me I am not going to comment on this anymore cos it causes nothing but grief.. actually anyone that wants to comment on what I've said.. send me a private message.. I am willing to listen and talk, without arguing.. Never wanted to get into an argument anyway.. If ya disagree with cutting that's fine.. I do too [doesnt stop what has happened in the past] whatever.......

  • katie!
    17 years ago

    Right, Lauren I am going to start by answering your question.

    When I say attention seeking, I don't mean just running around with your sleeves down shouting "I've cut". Attention seeking in the terms of it is a way to a) ask for help, b) show people how you're feeling c) "express" yourself d) To get back at people, make them feel bad etc. and some people do do the running around and shouting option. So what I am saying is that Cutting is attention seeking. It can be completely subconcious, the person can not even know why they are cutting. But it is a way of showing all my above examples and more. Does that explain what I mean better?

    ms.understood. You managed to contradict yourself completely in that post. If cutters don't want to be found out but it's they're way of expressing themselves, expressing themselves to who? Now I have NOT bashed anybody at all. NOR am I ignorant. People who self harm or have depression need to have the odd "Kick up the arse" and NO I don't mean that they need to have me come round to their houses to kick them, I mean that people need the push to get up and DO SOMETHING.

    Basically, the longer you wallow in self pity, the worse things will get. The longer you hear all the "aaah hun poor u, uve got it so hard" posts, the less motivated you will be to get your life back on track. Everyone likes sympathy, everyone does. It's nice, it makes us feel a bit better BUT it does not give us the "Kick up the arse" to get ourselves better. When people ask for advice that is what I give, ADVICE. Sometimes it's blunt, sometimes it's not what they want to hear, but it's a damn sight more helpful than a sympathy post.

    If you don't want to stop cutting, you won't. If you don't want to be happy, you won't be.
    It has to come from YOU. No one else can make your life "worth living".

    (I am mostly using "you" as a plural, except in the obvious parts.)

    Oh and everyone has their own individual story and reason for doing things. But that applys to a lot more than just cutting. Is it fair for "cutters" to "bash" non cutters by making the assumption that they have no problems? No it isn't. It is JUST as bad.

  • ms.understood
    17 years ago

    sick and tired
    guess what i have had my friend die by his own hand so dont say i need to be on the other end...i alredy am.u talk about ur bf tryin 2day well johnny(my friend who killed himself)was the only person keepin me sane & i was panin on askin him out then he killed himself...he turned to me to save him but i dint get it...he told me go listen to ur p.o.d. cd & therell b a song exactly us-youth of the nation-it even said his name n it but i was 2 "busy" dad had already left me, my "good friend" tried to rape me and many many people close to me had died so johnny suicide really put me over the edge so i wanted 2 die 2...thats when i started cuttin...its been 3 yrs & i went 2 his grave for the 1st time ever jut this past wk...& guess what i still wish i could die.i feel invisible most of the time until ppl n my retared skool call me a slut or what ever when i where more clothes than any of them just cuz i dress in black 2 b u wana refrase what u said b4 since u had no clue what u were talkin bout cuz even still u dont kno the half of it.

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    Girl, get out of your pity-me-stage first off.

    Secondly, I refuse to take back anything I said. Not because I didn't know that, but because I said what I said and I still stick by it, even knowing your sad tale.

    But you see, I have tales of my own, too. Tales which I really do not have the heart to divulge on this website because I like to think of my friends who have passed away as better people than the things they did.

    I was almost raped, too. Family members of mine died almost nonstop last year. So if losing him is your only excuse to cut, I'm sorry. That's sad.

    And if my boyfriend died, though I love him with all my heart and soul and it seems to me that the sun only shines for him, I don't think I would kill myself. I have people that I love and people -I- care for and people who care too much about me to let me go. If I killed myself several others would kill themselves too.

    So get down from your high horse just because you have problems. It doesn't make you any better than me or any worse than me. If we're going to be playing the "you don't know what you're talking about" card, it swings right back at you.

    If you've chosen to live your life like this, that's not my problem. You can dwell on all of that for as long as you like. There's not a day that goes by that I don't miss my friends and the ones I loved that have left me. I think about them. They are in my prayers and though sometimes I would blame myself and I cry, I don't cut because I know that even in death that wouldn't want that for me.

    I've been through my own hell and back, I've fought back my demons and I've challenged myself to levels I never believed I could achieve. But I'm still here. I'm still alive. And I always find a way to carry on. Maybe you should re-prioritize. I'm sorry for your lose though.

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    17 years ago

    Kaite!- i think your wrong. =]

    so the people who dont show anyone. ever, hide it andNO body knows, they dont put it in someones face saying-see what you do to me- or show their friendssayin help me. they do it to -like donne sid- release pressure, stress, pain. etc. how are they seeking attention?

    Oh and i think we(as in Bob shank-the whatever-(lol) should make a new thread -Topics about help/advice/Quitting Cutting- this should be deleted and a new one should be made called. -Debate-Cutting- b/c it seems this thread was initially made for posts for ppl asking for help.. and it didnt go that way. if someone posted a thread asking for help. i thnk another argument would stem from it. so they wont. =]

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    Well what the heck could a cutter possibly want? Advice? Advice for WHAT? How to cut deeper? How to end their lives in the best manner? What does a cutter REALLY want? Somebody, please,..tell me. Are you waiting for somebody to save you? Use their pretty words and rescue you from yourself and your own destructive habits? HELP? What kind of help does a cutter need other than the professional type??

    None of this is making any sense to me!

    And if it wasn't for attention, why do people keep posting bulletins begging for help??? What is anyone here going to do for you except say "ooooh hunny, just stick it out. It'll get better, I promise."? THEY DONT KNOW THAT!

    Goodnesss graaaaaaaaaaaacious

  • Unseen Exposure
    17 years ago

    I find it funny that when people give us an opportunity to talk about something, we don't do it.

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    17 years ago

    well some of us are talking ABOUT it. but not like literally. we're just debating the topic. thats why ithink there should be two new threads.
    one for debates and the other for real advice. if you would respond to this bob-with either a yes or a no or some other of your witty responses- thatd be wonderful.