What do you think?

  • BeautifulxMess
    18 years ago

    What do you think makes a great friend?


  • BrokenREALiTy
    18 years ago

    Well ... I think it`s different for everyone .
    But for me, a great friend is there for me whenever they can be . They let me know once in a while that they still care, even if they can`t stay in contact much . A great friend is somenoe I can talk to about anything, and they won`t make fun of me for it . They can critisize me, but I know that even if it hurts somtimes, they`re seying those things because it`s best for me . the people that will love me unconditionally, and accept me for who i am, and not use me for their own gain .

  • dark blue eyes
    18 years ago

    a great friend is someone who will be there for you when noone else will
    they'll call to make sure your ok even if its something little, like a bad day
    if you do somehting stupid and everyone laughs at you, they won't laugh, they'll do it with you
    they'll sit out in the rain at 3 in the morning with you just to talk, even if theyre tired and they know they look dumb sitting there
    theyre with you til the end, no matter what