
  • lost and incomplete
    18 years ago

    my mums friend has bipolar ill find out from her xox

  • Michelle
    18 years ago


    I have Bipolar Disorder. I'm willing to talk to you about it. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

    Sometimes, you don't always want to share EVERYTHING on these kind of boards, since people can get in heated arguments over the smallest stuff.

    Until then...take care!


  • adie
    18 years ago

    bipolar is one of the things your really need to ask a doctor about because it's often confused with ADHD and other things. there are also two types of bipolar, bipolar 1 and bipolar 2. basically, bipolar 1 is when you go through periods of mania (hyper, risky, etc.) and then a while later you get really depressed. bipolar 2 is called rapid cycling bipolar disorder. instead of having long periods of mania/depression it can even change a number of times throughout one day. that's what i have. that's an extremely general explanation.

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    Bipolar supposedly runs in my family on my mom's side, and I've checked positive on one of those online check sheets and believe I have many of the symptoms they talked about outside of the check sheet. I'd like to believe I don't have it, all though it would explain allot.

    There's also the fact my BF does have it, and I don't want him to think I diagnosed myself with Bipolar simply because he has it. I met him during what could have been a Mania episode, and that is definitely far from what I'm at now.

    18 years ago

    People have told me I seem like I have it, but I don't know if I do.


  • Purple
    18 years ago

    At this moment, I do not beleive I have it. I go inbetween beleiving I might, and serously doubting it. I won't say I do have it unless it's clinently proven to me, until then the most I'll say is "I might have".

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    Ha. My brother just acussed me of being bipolar out of the blue, which I think is funny because I try not to be by him, like, at all. I'm easily agitiated by him and he pritty much doesn't know what the term means, not that I know it extrememly well.

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    I've reviewed it at least a duzzen(That is NOT the right spelling) times, and each site says some thing slightly different.

  • Carrotgirl
    18 years ago

    Santa claus is bi poler, he travels with prezzies from the north pole to the sout pole........ maybe hes Pole ish

  • melly xx
    18 years ago

    how do you know if you have bipolar disorder? i have no idea what the symptons are, and i would appreciate it if you could tell me in simpler terms, my brain isn't functioning properly today. danke sxhon.

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    The only way you KNOW is to go to a doctor and check with him/her. Self-dignoses are dangerous.

    I've had this bookmarked for a few months

  • someoneimnot
    18 years ago

    i don't know if i can trust doctors. i mean i love my GP and she's great and all but when i have been really down and gone to her for answer's she tells me its just being a teenager. maybe i could accept this answer if she wasn't also treating me mum and my grandma for depression. i mean it is hereditery. to be fair though she does also say that i should keep a diary and bring it back after puberty but by then whats the point. it has its main effects now when i am struggling to find myself as a teenager but then changing every day from moodswings. i can't even hold down friends for very long. i have given up on treatment and after talking to my mum about it, we are finding ways to deal with it. i often have to excersise alot. anyways from experience with my family and a little my self the tell tale signs is one, of course, when you get really low but that could also just be moodswings but the one that gives bipolar away is eratic days. Days when all of a sudden you buy 6 pairs of shoes, or buy presents for everyone in your class, or if you have alot, and i mean alot, of things only half finished. Extrememly spontaneous activity, like moving countries at real short notice.

    but of course if you can find a good doctor its always good to check but most of the time they wont diagonse teenagers. the best way is to experiment and find ways yourself that yoiu can control the swings without medication.its hard but so is life.

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    As a few have said, a doctor needs to diagnose you, not yourself. A doctor diagnosed me with it and my parents still didn't believe me about it.

    There are many symptoms to being Bipolar which can also link to Skizo or Borderline Personality Disorder. A lot of Bipolar people have more than just one 'disease'. If you would like more imformation upon it, feel free to email me and we shall talk.

    Until then, take care.


  • Sherry Lynn
    18 years ago

    Actually, it is best to have a psychiatrist diagnose you instead of a general physician. Psychiatrist are trained in this field and they can even write out the prescriptions. If you are bipolar the chances are that you will need more than one medication ( a combination of medications is accurate) and some blood work to closely monitor how your body is reacting.

    To start with you may want to go to your physician and have several blood test done.

    1. Thyroid test

    2. Hormone test

    3. Depakote levels

    This test are very important and will help not only you and your doctor, but also the psychiatrist.
    Sadly, most people who think they are bipolar actually suffer a thyroid disorder.

    Hope this helps
