Drug poem related contest..

  • Michelle
    18 years ago

    Please post any poems that you have which are drug related. Whether you're against drugs, for it, have a current or past experience, etc.

    Any length and type of poems related to drug related can be posted.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.



    Winner # 1 - 6 votes/comments
    Winner # 2 - 3 votes / comments
    Winner # 3 - 2 votes / comments

    Everyone else will receive 1 comment/vote.

  • Liquid Dreams
    18 years ago

    is it okay if it's old? if so, well here it is:

    ~*~"Please Come Over Here (Addiction)"~*~

    Please come over here
    Come try a sip of me
    Soon you'll be happy
    Soon you'll be free

    I promise you won't feel your pain
    You won't feel your doubt
    I swear it, and you will realize
    That this is one way out

    Please come over here
    Just try a bit of this
    Just take a smoke, a puff of me
    It's something you won't want to miss

    I will be your pleasure
    I'll be the one who cares
    The one you can turn to
    I will always be there

    Please come over here
    And drag me across your skin
    I promise I will make you calm
    I promise you will win

    I will be your comfort
    I will be your guide
    The only problem is
    The scars you have to hide

    When you use every one
    You will have us all
    We promise we won't hurt you
    We won't make you fall

    Do you see the lies
    All the lies in this life?
    Drugs, crack, pot, smokes
    All leading to the knife

    Don't let them suck you in
    Don't let yourself be used
    Because in the end
    You will be the one abused

    Copyright (C): Rhianna

  • No Need For A Name
    18 years ago

    Rubbed Off My Skin

    I rubbed off my skin
    From my face one night
    The worms were digging
    The voices were right

    I scratched till I bled
    On my arms yesterday
    Red specks on a pale Earth
    Flowing and moving away

    I broke my skin right now
    My legs leaked and oozed
    The voices were right
    I had nothing to lose

    I ripped my skin
    On my throat tomorrow
    There will be no sadness
    No infinite sorrow


  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    18 years ago

    These are all GREAT and I MEAN G R E A T POEMS! I'm going to try to write one.. But I'm to damn tired right now!

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    18 years ago


    Dancing like nothing cares
    Singing like I got an audience
    Carefully walking like I'm being graded
    Trying to hide my reddend eyes
    Behind these unworthy lies
    But people see right through me
    They know me
    They know what I do
    They know what I sell
    They know that I am not holy
    To even be looked upon
    I'm just a screwed up person
    Just driven down this lonely painful road
    That's has my rocky ground I battle on
    That's has my grey-darkened skies
    That has my ditch along the side of the road
    That carries and flows my tears
    Rest stops seem to be every foot of eachother
    Holdlessly wanting someone to care
    So I have to stop at the Rest Stop
    And get more directions on where to turn and go
    I know I screwed up
    I know I do drugs
    But can't anyone see
    I'm trying my best to understand
    Those directions to get back on the highway
    With other normal people
    I'm lonely going down this old country road
    With nothing to learn about, nothing to see
    I guess this is the way
    You'll feel when you take deadly drugs
    They all will end with a car crash
    If we cannot stop soon enough

  • donna
    18 years ago


    Laying on the sofa,
    I couldn't move at all.
    Days turned into weeks,
    withdrawal after withdrawal.

    Hot and cold all over,
    as the drugs came out of me.
    Much more I had to go through,
    just to be drug free.

    The backache was unbearable,
    other aches made me sick.
    Recovering from my addiction,
    wasn't easy nor was quick.

    Once I made my mind up,
    I knew what I had to do.
    My addiction wasn't just illegal drugs,
    but also what the Doctor gives to You.

    Painkillers, crack and alcohol,
    Vallium and zopiclone.
    Once the withdrawals ended,
    I couldn't go out alone.

    I became agrophobic,
    it lasted over a year.
    The drugs that I once took,
    had masked away my fear.

    My anxieties came back worse,
    but these I had to face.
    My messed up years and pain,
    I was not willing to retrace.

    Once You get into taking drugs,
    eventually You will find.
    They do not make life easier,
    they totally screw Your mind.

    I'm so glad they're not my life now,
    I'm so much stronger than before.
    Working through my issues,
    has helped me so much more.

  • Oscar
    18 years ago


    I can see now, what's happened to me.
    I chose everyone's praise, over my ecstasy.
    they all laughed at me, and i could do nothing.
    for i was real timid, and as weak as a spring.

    i would run home each day, afraid of the bus.
    afraid of the torment, from those who are flawless.
    and to put myself to sleep, i'd cry ever night.
    and I'd lay there and cry, until there was no light.

    i can't stand it anymore, the teasing, the pain.
    i must make it stop, or no more will i be sain.
    i had nothing for dinner, nor lunch the next day.
    all i did was drink water, and wash pills my way.

    and this i kept up, for a very long time.
    hardly ate anything, soon was as thin as a mime.
    but i always had headaches, and never could sleep
    yet i'd still wash down pills, and i never did weep

    i am so weak now, that i can hardly stand.
    it's as if, over my body, i have lost command.
    but i feel accepted now, so it doesn't matter.
    i can remove the pain, with a pill and water.

    and with a couple more pills, the day comes closer.
    as my unkown destiny aproaches nearer.
    and i go lay to rest, with the last pill i take.
    for from this fatal sleep, i shall not awake.

  • Michelle
    18 years ago

    Hello everyone~

    Sorry for the delay in responding! I, myself, have tried drugs; specifically marijuana and pills; hoping I would die someday. I used marijuana to self medicate, while I used the pills, to try to kill myself. Neither of these are good choices. Eventually, within just a few months of smoking pot, I wanted to try ecstacy, but after reading the last poem and talking to other people about it ~ I've decided not to try this drug. I've learned that once I try something, it makes me driven to try another thing and another thing - wanting more and more, and more. Constantly. Non stop. Just wanted all my pain to go away. Although, honestly, NOTHING will take away ALL my pain. While doing all my negative outlets: drugs, cutting, taking pills, banging my head, pulling my hair out, etc, this only makes matters worse. It isn't taking away my pain~ honestly, it only causes me MORE problems.

    I need to straighten my life up. Regardless of what poem you submitted : drug use for it/against it, recovery, inspirational, etc, I consider ALL of your poems in a way inspirational for me. I enjoyed reading EVERY poem and I consider EVERYONE a number 1!! Rock on people-- and if you can~ do your best to recover in some way or find a better way of coping. If you do not realize this now ~ sooner or later, you will .. And.. even if you aren't ready to get the help yet ~ that's fine too; that's your choice, but remember, I'm here to listen.

    Take care!!! Be expecting 6 comments on EVERYONE's part! ;)


  • Michelle
    18 years ago

    PS... I'm still more than welcome to read drug related poems and comment if anyone is still interested in posting their poems. ;)

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    18 years ago


    I have been in the same situation that you have been in. It was during middle school. I am now 9th grade and my life is now better that i dont have the surroundance of hate, hurt and alot of other things. I am now drug free. But once in a while I do smoke and drink. But thats once a year.

    Hope you will come through and be drug-free like the rest of us!



  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago

    All Drugged Up

    Her hands fall to her hips
    Lipstick glowing on her lips
    A joint between her fingertips

    All the guys she meet
    Leave her on the street
    No more fancy cars

    She's had her fun, and now she's done
    All drugged up, 'cause she took a puff.

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    18 years ago

    Um.. btw..

    I only recieved 1 comment.. You said we all get 6. Please do 5 more of mine. Please do the favorites first..



  • PygmyPuff
    18 years ago

    Obviously weve all seen the little mess thats like 6 pages long.
    So im bumping the real pages up