tell my boss?

  • Love Panda
    18 years ago

    im depressed and now i have to see a shrink, on certain days it mixes with work and i need to be off so i can go to my sessions...should i tell my boss that im seeing a shrink and thats the reason im off all the time, or should i just struggle along, by myself??

    october xx

  • melly xx
    18 years ago

    first of all what's a shrink?
    i looked it up, but i'm not sure what your version is..
    Main Entry: analyst
    Part of Speech: noun
    Definition: examiner
    Synonyms: bean counter, examiner, guru*, head shrinker*, inquisitor, investigator, number cruncher*, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, questioner, SHRINK*

    personally, i think you should tell your boss you're going to see a "shrink", and if he asks why say, "what the hell is your problem? it's none of your business!" just kidding, (hopefully that made you smile) if he asks why you should tell him it's for personal reasons that you'd rather not share, but i wouldn't think he would ask you unless he is REALLY nosy.

    it's better than being fired, eh?
    good luck, hopefully i helped =)

    18 years ago

    A shrink is a therapist I do believe. And yes, tell him. It is best he knows where you are instead of work. Don't lie to him. The more lies that you bury yourself into, the harder it's going to be to dig yourself out. You do not have to tell him all the personal things that you would be telling your shrink, so just tell him you have a few sessions during work.
