
  • Gary Jurechka
    18 years ago

    I remember almost every poem(though I can't quote them!) but each poem is like a snapshot of feeling and emotion from that particular time.I've found going back to older poems show me where I was at that point in my life and where I am now.Sometimes the older poems even make me remember the emotions and remind me of things I realized then but have since forgotten.Some poems I look back on as great, others I think truly suck, but it is all a part of me.Some poems that I didn't revised until years later and are much better for it.We all write good poems and bad poems, but they are all are part of us either way.

    Gary Jurechka

  • BrokenREALiTy
    18 years ago

    I remember most of my poems . LIiek what they`re kalled and what they`re about . I rnoamlly kan only quote the best stanzas (to me) from a poem tho . xD

  • donna
    18 years ago

    If You told me the title I could tell You what it was about.. I couldn't recite it word for word tho :]