Prasing and Delete options 4 comments

  • juss an allycat
    20 years ago

    Hey I dont kno if its jst me bt hav the praise and delete options on ur comments been taken away??

  • Gracie Jo
    20 years ago


  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    yes... they were taken away back when we couldn't even edit our poems for that 2 week+ stretch and we nver got back the option to delete/praise comments

  • juss an allycat
    20 years ago

    Are we gonna get them back?? what about the critic of the month thingy?

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    I don't know... I think we should at least get the ability to delete comments... as long as we only delete those that are unusually rude and not just negative.

    Maybe people we not using the praise button enough for Janis to think it necessary to keep around.

  • alexander
    20 years ago


  • Ş∂ņďħy∂
    20 years ago

    I hope Janis will get back the ability to delete comments. It was a nice option.