plz!! could u help me??

  • TrUtH hUrTs
    20 years ago

    there's something funny going on with my poem 'catharsis' has 74 votes and 4.8 rating but when i search for it by using the search poem button it only shows 13 votes and 4.7 rating ofcourse when u click on the title the correct votes n rating is shown...also it's beeen removed from the top rated dark,fantasy page..even though according to rating it should be at the top of that list:( does any1 know wot could be wrong here??

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    I don't know about the rating... it always showed 4.8/75 for me...

    as for being off the top rated, notice that the heading is "top rated recent" I don't know the exact parameters set (probably a week), but I'm thinking that it is now not recent enough to be eligible

  • don mohr
    20 years ago

    very good poem...just dropped by here! bye

  • TrUtH hUrTs
    20 years ago

    oh gaaawd!! now it's showing 4.5 from 35 votes..i don't get it...could u ppl plz search for it n tell me what no. of votes and rating it shows ???

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    Try not to worry too much about it... I've heard of different weird things happening with rating/votes...especially if Janis is working on the site... it's really not a life or death situation here.... it will be fixed eventually... and if not, it's just numbers...