
  • Jacki
    20 years ago

    is there something wrong w/ the voting system? I just ask because last time i checked i only had a little over a 1,000 votes, now i have over 3,000 votes. I honestly don't beilve i have that many....Is this happening to anybody else or just me.

  • Lydia O
    20 years ago

    Jacki, I just took a look on your page and something else also seems to be strange there. Yesterday I voted and commented (favorably as you deserved) on your poem "Time." My comment has now disappeared! Makes me wonder if your page has entered into the Twilight Zone. :o)

  • Cantchangeme
    20 years ago

    Thats got kool Theme music The Twilight Zone that is, sorry just thort it needed saying

  • Jacki
    20 years ago

    yeah untill yesterday i wan't really getting any comments on my poem i just thought people didn't like what i've been writing or they've busy with there life out side of this site lol. But now its really starting to bug me why i never got your comment wonder how many others this is happening to and how many other comments have disapeard into the "dododod twilight zone"

  • Conner
    20 years ago

    yea dude, i had like 260 votes on "My Missing Piece" poem and now i only have 222

  • Ş∂ņďħy∂
    20 years ago

    It is letting me vote on the same poem multiple times. I tried for two poems of 'Friends'. And i successfully voted twice! I thought I should bring janis's notice to this. I am sorry if people have already informed you.. I am not so updated with the recent site modifications... So yeah..

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    most people can vote more than once unless they keep the same IP address. It is the IP address that cannot vote more than once not the username.

  • Ş∂ņďħy∂
    20 years ago

    I haven't changed my IP address.. ITs been the same for pretty long time.

    I even experimented with different userID's.. IT does allow me to vote as two different users also.

    Try it by yourself once and see...You will understand what i am talking about.