Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road??

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    There are many many answers to this...I just want to see what all we can come up with....

    the funniest I've heard is:

    To prove to the raccoon that it could be done!

  • Jacki
    20 years ago

    lol a jessica Simpson answer might be:

    Why would he be on a road, I thought chickens lived in the ocean?

    Jack Nicholson:
    'Cause it (censored) wanted to.
    That's the (censored) reason.

    LOL and my answer might be

    To go where no chicken has gone before.

  • Sarah
    20 years ago

    Because that's where the chicken potty was??

  • Lydia O
    20 years ago

    According to Dr. Seuss:

    Did the chicken cross the road?
    Did he cross it with a toad?
    Yes! The chicken crossed the road,
    But why it crossed, I've not been told!

  • Cantchangeme
    20 years ago

    Because it was running away from the mad man trying to ''pull a bird''

  • Hannah M.
    20 years ago

    To get to the other side because it felt like it :)

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    The chicken crossed the road because....Colonel Sanders promised it an ice cream cone..I think we know the end of that story!!

  • Brian King
    20 years ago

    cause the light was red

  • My Obsεssion
    20 years ago

    I like this one better

    Why did the goose cross the road?

    To prove that it wasn't a chicken.


  • Rachael/7MidniteTears
    20 years ago

    ........cuz the chicken wanted to...........lol

  • Robyn Park
    20 years ago

    The bible's answer: And God said unto the chickens "Thou shalt cross the road" and the chickens crossed the road, and there was much rejoicing.

    or George Bush's answer: It doesn't matter why the chicken crossed the road, what matters is what side of the road the chicken is now on. Is the chicken our enemy or our friend? The chicken cannot be neutral!

    My answer is to get to the other side...but those two were funnier.

    (If you go to bored.com they have a TON of answers there, but those two are the funniest I think)

  • Sarah
    20 years ago

    Because he likes to make people wonder why!

  • Fireflower
    20 years ago

    john kerry's answer...

    "the chiken crossed the road??!!!*gasp* i must go and witness this incredible act!!!!"

  • Casey
    20 years ago

    I thought John Kerry's answer would be "We have a plan for that"

    I dunno this was funny, it reminded me of that song "Cows with Guns" theres chickens in the end!!

  • ♥Meâ„¢
    20 years ago

    I personally like: Why did the skeleton cross the road? Answer: To prove he had guts. Other than that I don't have an answer

  • Seth
    20 years ago

    Because he's dumb like that!

  • ~*^*~ longing to belong ~*^*~
    20 years ago

    Because he was playing chicken

  • Not Bulletproof
    20 years ago

    Trying to escape the evil bunnies. Do you really blame the poor thing? Have you ever seen those damn bunnies? Bet you haven't, cos if you did, you'd understand why the poor thing was crossing that road so damn fast...


  • ~*^*~ longing to belong ~*^*~
    20 years ago

    yewah?! lol im a bit slow 2day

    19 years ago

    Why did the chicken cross the road?
    because he was stapeled to the man..


    Why did the baby cross the road?
    because he was stapled to the chicken!?

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    To get away from Colonial Sanders...?

    Lol wow, I just realized I posted before..damn I'm a moron =P

  • Exquisite_Emily
    19 years ago

    Why DIDNT the tampons cross the road?

    Because they were stuck up bitches. Ha. Ha.

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago


  • courtney
    19 years ago

    to get to the other side idk ask the chicken