what should i do????

  • moonlit
    20 years ago

    i no this guy and he makes me feel on top of the world he nos i like him a hell of alot and he tells me he likes me 2 but he lives like 2hrs away now coz he moved.
    also there is my ex who everytime we are alone summot happens but wen we are with other ppl he will act like noughts appened. wen we are alone he tells me hes missed me n wants me bk.

    plz help which one shuld i choose, i dont no wot to do im afaraid of gettin hurt my him again and i dont no how to handle a long distance relationship as ive never had one

  • browneyes
    20 years ago

    Seems like your ex wants you, but for the wrong reasons. He probably tells you really sweet things you can't help but believe but the truth is hes probably using you when he has nothing better to do. Because he knows he can keep getting to you
    so he continues to work at you so that he gets what he wants. As harsh as that sounds it could be very true. I don't know the situation as well as you do, but I am on the outside looking in and in my opinion, you don't need to melt everytime he says he misses you. And as for the guy who lives far away, well those relationships are very difficult. You do not get to see them as often as you like and things happen. Although your conversational skills improve, you will be missing the physical part of the relationship. You must have a lot of patience and be able to accept the fact that you'll be committed to someone who you may very so often get to see. I hope this helped. And good luck.
