Wont let me post poems

  • Liam
    20 years ago

    hey, everytime i go to submit a poem it comes uo with the message Parse error: parse error in /www/poems-and-quotes/submit_poem.html on line 172 i dunno if this is sumthin 2 do with the new server or sumthin, but can sum 1 help me? ta!

    ive jst wrote a prety good poem and want to put it on while i still remember!!

    thank U!!!


  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    while you still remember? Didn't you write it down? (or type it?) If not, you should...

    anyway, this problem was mentioned in another thread, but I like your post title better... it's more to the point than the other one. Hopefully, Janis (the site owner) will see this soon and fix the problem.

  • Liam
    20 years ago

    fixed now! thanks!!!