
  • lisa marie
    20 years ago

    Hey i am very sorry for how you feel. it is tough when nobody understands you but suicide and selfharm is not they way to go. I would suggest you to not be so negative and to try and find things you like to do. you have probably heard it a million times before so i apologize. Be happy with who you are because i am sure you are a very good person. Just be a bit more possitive and try to have as much fun as possible. i know its not easy to do, but trust me it is much better than suicide. and you are to wanted around. even though i dont know was really sad to read how you felt. cheer up :)

  • Toni
    20 years ago

    Hey hun

    I think first of all ur relli brave for askin for help in the first place n postin ur problem, cos the hardest thing ever can be to tell sum1 or ask for help :-) so a big hug for that (}) . I'm sorri u feel so bad, it must be really hard, if u ever need sum1 to chat to im here, try n keep urself safe n if u find urself tryin to carry out suicide, just try and let someone know, they wont thnk ur stupid. also try n take care of urself or do sum girlie pampering, even if u dont feel like it, it can make u feel an iccle bit better :-)
    Hope things get better real soon

    xxxx Toni

  • beaver
    20 years ago

    I feel like that at the moment. I have never harmed myself because I am a coward and I cant kill myself because that would hurt my kids who I love. I wish I could die of a disease and then I feel bad for the people in that situation or maybe I could die in an accident. No one likes me, I feel so alone and the more I think of about it the worse I feel. The point Iam trying to make is your not alone.

  • Madison
    20 years ago

    I agree with beaver, i'm in the same boat. Tho i'm a the point where i dont know how to get help, or if i'm truely depressed.. all i know is i just wanna feel like my old happy self agian..
    anyone have sugestions? please?

  • Lexi Lou
    20 years ago

    wow there are lots of depressed people on this site, it makes you feel not so alone eh?