Stupid mods on this site.

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    Excuse me, but what excactly have I done to offend you or any others on this site? you have no Idea what I have done for this site, and what I am in the process of doing for it.

    So please explain to me what I did to make you so mad?

    Thank you, Joe

  • Lu
    18 years ago

    Yahooo let's bash the mods ....GEEZZZZZ

    Terrible, terrible people and even worse let's not forget......
    !!!!!!!!!!!! THEY DO THIS FOR FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    I'll let you know mate.

    P.S. is post scriptum, by the way. After writing, literally.

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    MenAreAnimals|WomenAreAliens : I can suspend your account, as far as deleting it Janis or Dainz would have to do that.

    So it is up to you, let me know.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    As an addendum to Animals, I'll say that he has a very vaild point.

    Administrators are supposed to back each other up completely especially when it comes to the expulsion of a member. That is unless you think breaking every rule on the forum constitutes support for the previously banned.

    I'll finish by saying I've seen more info about recent events than most and I know there is more for me to see. I think most of the mods have allowed themselves to be swayed by charm and charisma and not by black and facts. But then I'm sure you'll find that out sooner or later... but the way it's going currently it's going to be later, much later, and someone is going to get seriously hurt.

    Three words to close:

    Classic sociopathic behaviour.

  • John (Mr. Whuppy)
    18 years ago

    I find it very hard to chastise someone that does something volantarily and all the mods should be praised now and again for the work they do ,after all they must spend hours on here trying to sort out the wheat from the chafe..
    Those who don't like the way it's run have an alternative "Don't sign in to the site"

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    I Like the Mods. =]

    They Keep This Place AC(clean)AP.

    I Love You Guys. Thanks For Doing This For Us For Free. And Itallion Stallion-- You've Done Nothing Wrong. =]

    And Starter Of This Thread Person-
    Why Are Your Panties All In A Bunch. >=P


  • Deana
    18 years ago

    I don`t know all the details of everything that goes on here and I`m not even sure I want to but it seems to me there are a lot of people who love it here so someones doing something right,I happen to think your great Bob,keep up the good work I love it here.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Bob is not one that Animals is critisising here. Bob rules.

  • Bill Turner
    18 years ago

    The mods have a tough job and they do it for free, out of love for this site and for their love of poetry. No one can make everyone happy. I'm just glad someone is willing to the job of being a mod and from what I've seen and experienced, they are even tempered and fair.

  • Simon Hayes
    18 years ago

    I think Britt is on to something there!!

    Seems they've gone anyway. I wouldn't waste your time on them to be honest, if they ain't happy who are we to try and make them happy? Exactly!! Now move on! :)

  • Timothy r
    18 years ago

    You know, for all these "stupid mod" things I see on here, I can only see 1 of 20 or so mods actually effing this place up, everyone else does their job and tries to get rid of the people who don`t follow rules, which seems to have a rapidly growing rate. It is always easy to rag on people who don`t do things the way you want them too, I am guilty of it at times myself, but give these moderators a break already. ( leaps off soapbox..for now).

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    I'll say only this. If someone wants to complain about someone else, be that a mod or a grunt, geek non elf...then post a link, or a solid reason why and not a suggestive slight to their character. It's vague things like;

    "The Mods, or maybe one in 10, and I'm not naming any names but it's all to do with that banning incident and that one time when he said she said and that Mod, whilst individually and representitively of his species, messed up and that means this whole site is going to the dogs...and I'm leaving, and I'm making a big deal out of it and not actually trying to help"

    It's crap like this that makes me ignore people on here and just do my thing privately.

    One other thing. Can we all please acknowledge that the mods would have a much easier time of things, and thusly all you poor hard done by souls as well, if Janis got his finger out and fixed the 50 or so things we all agreed upon needing changing in here.

    Aside from that, be constructive, and if you can't do that, be away somewhere else.

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    Kevin, very nicely sumed up...I don't think there is anymore to be said.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    At your service Sir.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    ok, here it is straight:

    Bob banned Ken at Dainz' request, the reasons are not up for debate, a judgement had been made. Yet after reems of spamming, rule abuse and general arsehatted tom foolery Not one other mod stood beside Bob and helped.

    In fact all of this was patently ignored by everyone else apart from Anne who, instead of re-banning Ken, decided it was better to chastise the rest of us for creating a scene and told us to drop it, which we did.

    Aside from Akensol and Joe chatting with Ken in the chat room where he managed to break every chat room rule, that he helped create no less, whilst I was talking to him in there (aside from the foreign language rule) and still nothign happened.

    It's one thing to sit and blame Dainz and Janis for not implementing this that and the other, Kevin, it's another to sit by and let some schmuck make a complete mockery of the site and its grunts, as you so kindy label us, and make us feel like we're in the wrong for it.

    As Mods you've all been given a position of trust and you're here to uphold the rules of the site and the judgement of Janis and Dainz when it is given. I think it's time you all started living up to those expectations instead of your interpretation and personal feelings on the matters at hand when it comes to doing the job you volunteered to do. Do it right or don't do it at all.

    This whole thing has been a balls up from start to finish and you know it.

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    "Aside from Akensol and Joe chatting with Ken in the chat room where he managed to break every chat room rule, that he helped create no less, whilst I was talking to him in there (aside from the foreign language rule) and still nothign happened."

    ^^As for that comment, I dissagree, I don't know about Aken, but I speak for my self, I treat everyone equally, I don't have favorites, I will warn, I will Kick and I will ban regardless of who it is, lets just get that straight.

  • Sherry Lynn
    18 years ago

    Ann also cleaned up alot of the spam and took other measures as well. This much I can guarentee you!

    Though it may appear that everyone is sitting back... they are NOT! This is a situation to where appearances can be decieving unless you happen to be there and see everything going on.


    PS.. To the original post: The mods here do their best and since we are all humans and not robots there is never going to be a time when everyone is going to be happy.

    Instead of striking out at them maybe we should join up with them and follow the rules ourselves while showing them our support.

    It would be very hard for someone to cause such a strife IF everyone worked together instead of playing the blame game.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    I know Anne cleared up the site, but Ken should never have had the oppotunity to do it in the first place.

    Ken played the blame game and won with shiny gold stars Sher, that's how this all started. Kevein wanted black and white, I gave it to him. If you can disprove anything I have said in my previous post I'll apologise 100%.

    But you're right, if we all, including the mods, work together instead of playing the blame game everything would be hunky dory.

    This place needs a serious shake up because not everyone is playing by the same set of rules. Friendships are being placed above the site and that's why it has gone to hell lately.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Joe, I apologise, you may have left before Ken started his tirade.

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    Bret it is ok, really, I get verberally attacked like that all the time, many of you may not see it, mostly because it is through email, but I expect that, no one will always be happy with me or any other Mod for that fact. We can't please everyone, and I know that as well as the other Mods. We try our best to cater to everyone on this site. But like said before we try, we do this free, we have lifes outside of this site, we can't be here 24/7

    My point is, don't matter what we will always receive hate mail, verbal attacks, spam, etc. And I know that, I know everyone will not be pleased with what we do, but that is life. I deal with it.

    Bret best of luck to you and everyone else for that matter in whatever you decide to do in life.

    Ciao, Joe

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    I know what you're saying but you're making one mistake. You're trying to cater to people. Being a mod isn't about catering to people. I've been doing it for seven years now and it took me a couple of years to realise it myself. Being a mod or admin isn't about being liked, it's about being respected. Why? Because you're exactly right, there is no way on earth that everyone is going to like you or be on your side because the people on any site you mod will have their own agendas, they'll want special considerations because they are pally with you and expect special treatment.

    Can you deny that Ken received special treatment?

    I would like to clarify that it wasn't an attack in the slightest, but that is what I remember happening. You may well be right and you maybe weren't there when Ken lost it (again), as I said, I was just writing it as I remembered it.


    You have a moderator forum for a reason. It's there for you to discuss events and decide on the best course of action. It also there to enable you to tell the other mods decisions you have made so they can back you up and you can all present a unified front. Is that happening here?

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    Ok maybe "catering" wasn't the right word, I assume you know what I meant by that...yes?

    As for using the mod forum, yes we use it, yes we communicate, and for as how often, I don't think that is anyones business besides ours.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    I think catering is a perfect description for the general action of mods here.

    If this is not the case why was Ken allowed to recreate account after account and rejoin the chat room after Bob was deleting them?

    Did anyone verify Ken and Dainz' msn messenger conversation with Dainz personally, and if not, why not?

    Why was Bob left in the cold on this one after Dainz had banned him?

    I won't hold my breath on getting answers to these questions.

    I'm not holding Bob up as a shining example as a mod and how they should behave, also I'm not pointing fingers at any other mods and saying they are abysmal at the job. I'm asking these questions to highlight the fact that the system isn't working, you know it isn't working and you're still doing nothing about it as a team.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    ^As for using the mod forum, yes we use it, yes we communicate, and for as how often, I don't think that is anyones business besides ours.

    Why shouldn't it be our business? We are trusting you to do a job and uphold the rules of the site, the forum and the chat room, after all. Plus the answer indicates that there is little communication or you would naturally defend your position further.

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    "you know it isn't working and you're still doing nothing about it as a team."

    ^^Wrong, we know it isn't working and we have come up with a list of over 50 things to fix and add to the site to make it better, But we can not do that ourselfs as Mods, we don't have the access, Janis has to, and where has Janis been? well not here that is for sure, he has been on a number of different vacations, now I can't blame it all on him, for we all have outside lifes besides this site, but that is one of the main reasons we can't do anything.

    Peace, Joe

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    Why shouldn't it be our business?

    ^ What we do in the Mod forum and how often we use it is none of your business. That is why it is soley used by the Mods and is set for only the Mods to view.

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    If this is not the case why was Ken allowed to recreate account after account and rejoin the chat room after Bob was deleting them?

    ^ Bob was not the only Mod deleting them

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    ^we have come up with a list of over 50 things to fix and add to the site to make it better, But we can not do that ourselfs as Mods

    There is more to being a mod than making suggestions and waiting for someone up above to act. There is plenty you can still do with the permissions you have, hell there is plenty you can do without any permissions.

    ^What we do in the Mod forum and how often we use it is none of your business.

    So who mods the mods? I don't want to know what you're saying, just that you're saying it on a regular basis.

    ^Bob was not the only Mod deleting them

    So give us names, let us know who is making the effort. From what we have seen the only one here treating his responsibilites in an active light is Bob. You're being so stand offish and defensive it makes it seem you're more worried how you look than how the site runs. Make me wrong, show me that you are ALL active. And if you are not ALL active then do something about it. Honesty to yourselves and the people you moderate isn't going to hurt you.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Bob, animals is only 15... I'm sure he knows in hind sight how disrespectful the title and some of his comments were, especially 'sucks to the site'.

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    Ok, you want hard is something I posted in the Mod fourm...

    "and here is one of Ken's accounts...

    no poems, no posts, no threads, either Dainz or Janis have to get this one"

    Now I personally suspended that account the other night myself, how you may ask, He spamed the "Writting Poetry" Forum, I cleaned that up pretty fast, i am sure a lot didn't even notice it.

    Ann Banned him from the Chat last night.

    As for the rest of the Mods, I don't know what they are doing to prevent this.

    But like I said, Bob is not the only Mod doing his Job.

    I'd also like to point out, I don't give a crap about my aperance as a Mod, Like I have stated before don't matter what people will hate us for what we do and how we solve problems, and others may love us. I really don't care about what people think of me.

    And yes Bret just so you know, that list I was talking about, I made Code for every single one on the list, will it ever be done? Who knows...does that make me mad? of course, I spent hours upon hours making that code.

  • xXSomeoneLoveMeXx
    18 years ago

    wow you have some great nerve!

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    I know Ken has been 'officially' double super really banned since the 1st of November. I was referring to prior events over the week and weekend.

    I have never said you are not doing your job, I said that sides had been taken that have affected the site and it's not right. I know you're doing your job, Joe, it's evident in the way that despite obvioius frustrations and tension you're replying in as calm manner as possible.

    And yes I may have some nerve. Why? Because I care about this site (and soem of the people on it) and hate the way it changed in the last few months. Suicide butterfly, if you care about this site maybe you should voice your opinion on this topic too.

    There is nothing wrong with questioning how something works or does not work. It may be grating, it may rub some people the wrong way, but if no one asked the hard questions nothing would change.

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    "There is nothing wrong with questioning how something works or does not work."

    ^ This is nothing wrong with that as you stated, it just makes me mad to some degree to see I am the only Mod that feels it is necissary to reply and actually answer them.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Give it a few hours, a couple of days and let all the mods have their say if they want.

    Thank you for being so candid, by the way.

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    Bret no problem, I am not here to hide anything from the members, plese do ask more if you feel the need.

    Peace, Joe

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    This is so dramatic, really guys get a grip.

    First off, Bret, you are a true P and Q patriot for being bold and upfront with your questions, even if they are brash and slightly misinformed, the questions and the responses they bring are good for this place, as you say, shake it up.

    I was the idiot who got himself banned by Ken whilst banning Ken for the first time, any of you remember that? What a busy night that was. I swore that night that unless Janis changed things in here so that people like Ken couldn't abuse the flawed system that we mods work under, I wouldn't be busting a gut trying to be a superhero anymore. I knew Ken and others like him would be back and despite my words I had to ban him again, and Ismail and loads of other idiots who were bad for the site...but, like weeds they keep coming back and then people like you Bret complain that we aren't doing our job right, or we need to communicate more or sort ourselves out or use the powers we have more effectively etc etc.

    Mate, we can't do anything about it, we are at the moment, nothing but a cleverly placed protective layer between you guys and Janis, who is never hear...we take all the crap, he gets nothing, we say sorry for things we cannot change, you guys complain, we get pissed off, you guys complain, we do nothing out of frustration, you guys complain.

    I'd love to see you moderate yourselves....imagine if everyone had the mod powers....then we'd see what a tricksy little job we have.

    In any case, this is all useless talk until things change we can talk and talk and still Ken can come back in here and say whatever and it's a joke....and most of you will never know what some of us do behind the scenes...hell, even we don't know sometimes.

    But Bret you did say in one of your posts that we can use our existing powers to stop people like can we do that exactly?


  • donna
    18 years ago

    You can please some of the people some of the time but You can't please all of the people all of the time.. [author?]

    The drama in here over the last week, although entertaining at first has become quite tedious now.

    I come on here to submit poems and read poetry, These forums are entertaining but most of them are not really about poetry, and I steer clear of the chatroom.. There are other chatsites dedicated for chat that I use.

    I've not once had any problems with chat mods and think they do the best they can.. That's all anyone can do right?

    Just wanted to share my opinion.. I come to this site out of my love for poetry.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Hey Jesus,

    well if that is true, and if you are Ken [then I have no reason to trust you], then it's as I've always said, we are powerless in the larger sense to properly stop people like you, and seeing [if you are Ken] as you are emotionally unstable and not a person who knows how to play good tennis, we'll just have to make do with what we got you know.

    By the by, I saw the thread where you begged to be let back in, and Bob, bless him told you that would not be happening given how you acted, and you said you had changed, and now all this crap, and spamming and zillions of accounts! You really know how to win people over eh.

    If I thought for one second that you actually had changed, if you had a normal account for a while that we didn't know about and just posted like a regular person with none of this idiocy people might listen to you, as it is you are still the same boy I banned, and then banned again.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Ok, well that is interesting Ken. But, and this is a big but, what do you have to say for all the nonsense recently?

    Why do you keep coming back here?