Italian Stallion
18 years ago
Excuse me, but what excactly have I done to offend you or any others on this site? you have no Idea what I have done for this site, and what I am in the process of doing for it. |
Bret Higgins
18 years ago
I'll let you know mate. |
Italian Stallion
18 years ago
MenAreAnimals|WomenAreAliens : I can suspend your account, as far as deleting it Janis or Dainz would have to do that. |
Bret Higgins
18 years ago
As an addendum to Animals, I'll say that he has a very vaild point. |
John (Mr. Whuppy)
18 years ago
I find it very hard to chastise someone that does something volantarily and all the mods should be praised now and again for the work they do ,after all they must spend hours on here trying to sort out the wheat from the chafe.. |
Lauren Waszkiewicz
18 years ago
I Like the Mods. =] |
Bret Higgins
18 years ago
Bob is not one that Animals is critisising here. Bob rules. |
Bill Turner
18 years ago
The mods have a tough job and they do it for free, out of love for this site and for their love of poetry. No one can make everyone happy. I'm just glad someone is willing to the job of being a mod and from what I've seen and experienced, they are even tempered and fair. |
Simon Hayes
18 years ago
I think Britt is on to something there!! |
Timothy r
18 years ago
You know, for all these "stupid mod" things I see on here, I can only see 1 of 20 or so mods actually effing this place up, everyone else does their job and tries to get rid of the people who don`t follow rules, which seems to have a rapidly growing rate. It is always easy to rag on people who don`t do things the way you want them too, I am guilty of it at times myself, but give these moderators a break already. ( leaps off soapbox..for now). |
18 years ago
I'll say only this. If someone wants to complain about someone else, be that a mod or a grunt, geek non elf...then post a link, or a solid reason why and not a suggestive slight to their character. It's vague things like; |
Italian Stallion
18 years ago
Kevin, very nicely sumed up...I don't think there is anymore to be said. |
Bret Higgins
18 years ago
ok, here it is straight: |
Italian Stallion
18 years ago
"Aside from Akensol and Joe chatting with Ken in the chat room where he managed to break every chat room rule, that he helped create no less, whilst I was talking to him in there (aside from the foreign language rule) and still nothign happened." |
Sherry Lynn
18 years ago
Ann also cleaned up alot of the spam and took other measures as well. This much I can guarentee you! |
Bret Higgins
18 years ago
I know Anne cleared up the site, but Ken should never have had the oppotunity to do it in the first place. |
Bret Higgins
18 years ago
Joe, I apologise, you may have left before Ken started his tirade. |
Italian Stallion
18 years ago
Bret it is ok, really, I get verberally attacked like that all the time, many of you may not see it, mostly because it is through email, but I expect that, no one will always be happy with me or any other Mod for that fact. We can't please everyone, and I know that as well as the other Mods. We try our best to cater to everyone on this site. But like said before we try, we do this free, we have lifes outside of this site, we can't be here 24/7 |
Bret Higgins
18 years ago
I know what you're saying but you're making one mistake. You're trying to cater to people. Being a mod isn't about catering to people. I've been doing it for seven years now and it took me a couple of years to realise it myself. Being a mod or admin isn't about being liked, it's about being respected. Why? Because you're exactly right, there is no way on earth that everyone is going to like you or be on your side because the people on any site you mod will have their own agendas, they'll want special considerations because they are pally with you and expect special treatment. |
Italian Stallion
18 years ago
Ok maybe "catering" wasn't the right word, I assume you know what I meant by that...yes? |
Bret Higgins
18 years ago
I think catering is a perfect description for the general action of mods here. |
Bret Higgins
18 years ago
^As for using the mod forum, yes we use it, yes we communicate, and for as how often, I don't think that is anyones business besides ours. |
Italian Stallion
18 years ago
"you know it isn't working and you're still doing nothing about it as a team." |
Italian Stallion
18 years ago
Why shouldn't it be our business? |
Italian Stallion
18 years ago
If this is not the case why was Ken allowed to recreate account after account and rejoin the chat room after Bob was deleting them? |
Bret Higgins
18 years ago
^we have come up with a list of over 50 things to fix and add to the site to make it better, But we can not do that ourselfs as Mods |
Bret Higgins
18 years ago
Bob, animals is only 15... I'm sure he knows in hind sight how disrespectful the title and some of his comments were, especially 'sucks to the site'. |
Italian Stallion
18 years ago
Ok, you want hard is something I posted in the Mod fourm... |
18 years ago
wow you have some great nerve! |
Bret Higgins
18 years ago
I know Ken has been 'officially' double super really banned since the 1st of November. I was referring to prior events over the week and weekend. |
Italian Stallion
18 years ago
"There is nothing wrong with questioning how something works or does not work." |
Bret Higgins
18 years ago
Give it a few hours, a couple of days and let all the mods have their say if they want. |
Italian Stallion
18 years ago
Bret no problem, I am not here to hide anything from the members, plese do ask more if you feel the need. |
18 years ago
This is so dramatic, really guys get a grip. |
18 years ago
You can please some of the people some of the time but You can't please all of the people all of the time.. [author?] |
18 years ago
Hey Jesus, |