20 years ago
Hey itZ Sammie B. Yes i kno that alot of you plp dont know me but i havent been on the site 4 a long tyme and im truly sorry... i do have a good reason though... ive been in and out of the hospital bcuZ of my very sick grandfather.. im the one who has always beren there 4 him and now itZ my duty to be there and help him get through this tuff tyme... ive been very buZi after school and i have been wiritng at all.. but now i have sum tyme to work a lil so imma try to be on as soo nas i can... i hope u allll can understand wat im going through... God bless Sammie B Kiss Kiss |
20 years ago
I understand fully sammie, Best of luck and love to your grandfather and to you. |
20 years ago
hey sorry to hear about ur grandfather i wish u both all the best. |