Sometimes it just stupid

  • ChildofGod87
    20 years ago

    You find out that this guy did like you for a long time (since 7th grade)! You didn't know until 5 or 6 years later...hehe...stupid huh? Well, it true for me!!! I got hurt by him, and I don't know if he knew what he was did, but I find out that he had a girlfriend on "Oct. 1" the day of the "Homecoming Game"...He was the "Homecoming King"...Man, you can't believe what I said when I heard it..."OMG"...I called him a "F*c*er"..I just felt like.."OMG, NO WAY"... And do you know what before I heard that he had a girlfriend my stomach was nervous..ummm...feeling sick like "Go To The Restroom, NOW" I'm like "No" I wanna see who's going to the "King" but now I know that "Someone" from up above was watching me and didn't want me to be hurt!! I wish I have listetened to my instances/gut.. Man, I know that he knows that I called him a "F*c*ker", cuz I said that couple of times and I looked at him when I said he was maybe like 10-15 ft. away from me..I was shocked, and sorta hurt that I didn't listen to my gut!!! Next time, I'm going to listen to my gut!!!

    I think he wanted me to be last for him! That's what I heard so I don't still hurts that I started to like him, and then that "Sh*t" occurs...:-|

    I'm just "Grrrrrr!"...Oh and I am trying to move on I like someone'm trying be strong on this just I have to tell this or else I'm like in this sorrow, weird mood:)!!!

    Anyways, I'm sry to write so long...I just need to know did I do the right thing of calling him Would you guys do the same thing or not? Advice plz...

  • ChildofGod87
    20 years ago


  • Allen
    20 years ago

    Sorry Sedusha, I've read ur post a couple of times, but i didn't post because Im not quite sure what the situation is... (sometimes Im a bit slow...) let me get this straight, did HE like you since 7th grade or did YOU like him since then?? If I really like someone and then finds out that he/she has a partner already then yes, I would be really pissed off but I probabily won't call that person a f*cker... but thats just me, everyone has different ways to deal different things... if you really like him, maybe you should tell him... does he even know why you call them a f*cker??? Sorry if this is not very helpful... Im still lost on the situation :(

  • Roberto Serrano
    20 years ago

    i think you got caught in the thought that he had a 5 year old crush on you... i think that made you think you actually felt something for him... and when you found out he was with somebody else that kind of hurt you... the only thing i can say is he wasnt the king for you, you are too much royalty for him move on with your kingdom and someday your king will arrive in a white horse ready to take his rightful spot on the thrown next to his queen (you) so just be patient... everything will fall into place... peace be with you

    (keep your head up)