Difference between poetry and rhyme

  • Terri Lynn
    21 years ago

    Hey Jim,
    Lines that rhyme arn't necessarily poetry, and poetry doesn't need words that rhyme to be poetry. Poetry is something on a completely different level. Don't waste your time worring that your poetry has to mean something, teachers of mine to it all the time. You need to look past what it means, does it sound good on your toung? Can you visualize the words or pictures in your mind? If you think it's poetry, than it probably is. Hope i helped a bit

  • »«¤ß詤»«
    19 years ago

    im not that smart but poetry can ryme but it dosnt have 2

  • ♥•oOo Nikki oOo•♥©
    19 years ago

    Poetry Is a Free Spirited Way Of Expression Whether It Ryhmes Or Just Has An Awesome Meaning....Poetry Is Poetry xoxo-Nikki-xoxo

  • Sean Allen
    19 years ago

    This is waaay off topic, but I think "America", and most of Howl (the collection of poems by Ginsburg) is pretty good. In any case, back to the topic.

    Uh actually I don't even understand the topic. Poetry and rhyme are in two very different categories of literary meaning. poetry is a work, rhyme is a tool.