Lydia O
20 years ago
I think that it all depends on what kind of relationship you want. I met my boyfriend last April and it has so far mostly been a long distance relationship. But if by the end of the year we can't arrange to move closer together, I'm not really willing to continue like this. We do communicate but I want a normal face-to-face relationship. |
20 years ago
well i just came out of a long distance relationship about a month ago now. and i recomend it to anyone. go with you heart, dont let distance come between you. if you ever have any doubts with ure partner, discuss them with each other. dont hold them back, no matter how silly they may seem. small things develop into bigger, more annoying things. eventually bringing an end to it all. but just keep tryin, and remember u guys may not last forever, so enjoy every minute to u have. i did. and it made me a total different person i am today, and thats a huge thing which i'll remember my ex for. so thanks. |