what do you define as "abuse" both mentally and physically.
my parents have been hitting me or "abusing" me ever since i can remember.
times when i was hit:
---because i called my sister fat, my mom grabbed me, threw me on the bathroom floor, grabbed me by the hair, and banged my head against the bathroom wall.
---another time, i forgot why, but my dad was beating me, and he slammed his fist into my ear, and for the next 5 minutes all i could hear was a loud buzzing noise, and sometimes my ear gets clogged, but it never got clogged before the beating.
my parents have used belts, hangers, shoes, sticks, and anything else they can find to hit me.
they have left bruises, but no scars.
i'm still hit today but only really bad about once every 2-3 months, ususally for reasons i find unfair.
ok, heres another important thing.
-I'm the middle child of 3, and i have a younger brother. my sister and i are honor students, but my 12 year old brother has been getting 70's for the past two years. my dad wrote a letter to the school about this, because he was conerned that my brother maybe had a learning disability or was just plain stupid.
- my brother was called in for questioning, and he was asked whether his parents hit him. my brother replied "yes" and the counseling people told him that they were sending child protection services to come to his house.
- my brother told my parents. they didn't get angry, they said ok and were a little worried.
- we were all questioned, me 2nd to last, and i lied to about some of the questions because i didn't want them to take my parents away.
- i mean growing up ( i still am growing up), i was unhappy up until this year because the hits have been getting better, but i was always sad, and had bruises, and was always depressed.
- i love my parents and all, but i really need them to stop hitting me. hitting me doesn't gain them any respect from me, and i've tried talking to them about it, and it doesn't work.
i need to know how to get them to stop.
thanks, and i know it's long.